Damn straight, I'm bringing the Goddamn rant threads back. If you don't wanna hear my bitching, then don't. Simple as that. And if you do, then kudos to you. Proves you've actually got enough patience to deal with me. Now, I'm going to start. *cracks knuckles* -- I remember the golden days, when I was still a noob. My first story on FF was horrible. Just... Bleh. And I accepted criticism— Wait... No, no I didn't. I was being a fucking bitch and told people to piss off. Fortunately, someone explained to me the basics of FF and I was like 'Ohhhh'. And now I'm going to bitch about it to you. First of all, I hate it when people say 'TEN MORE BUMPS AND I'LL CONTINUE'. A writer's job isn't to write for attention. Hell, I wouldn't even call you a writer if you demanded that many likes on your first post. Show some respect for the authors who DO continue without asking for many readers. I don't mind if you ask, 'Can somebody please critique my story or comment?' Because THAT, is being polite and showing some respect to everybody in FF. That, is a community. And I absolutely HATE it when I tell people they shouldn't do that and they fake innocence and sorrow and go like this: "Oh... A hater. I guess I won't continue anymore since someone doesn't like my story.' Guess what, bro? My respect for you has decreased by 9000 automatically. Don't let the haters get to you. A true author writes because they have a PASSION. Puny haters can't let you down. (And btw, that's not a hater, dumbass. It's a person trying to help you. Likeduhr.) Second of all, you're annoying when you do that. So Goddamn annoying. I don't give sympathy to those who ASK. Hell, I don't sympathize with people half of the time. Be a half-decent human being and at least realize that you're getting nowhere with faking sadness. Please. Just... Please. And if you're not faking it, then... WOWWWWWWWWWWWWW— Now, third of all. Readers. I expect you to actually do something and not spoon feed the authors. Do you really expect us to get better if all you're going to do is go 'AWWW, POOR BABY.' Helllll no! My advice to you. Don't. Give. Them. What. They. Want. And when I mean what they want, I mean give in to their begging. Unless it's good criticism and some half-decent pep talk, then go ahead. But I just hate it when you go 'YOUR STORY IS AMAZING, PURE GENIUS, OMG YOU WRITE WAYYY BETTER THAN THE HARRY POTTER SERIES AMFG'. ... Okay. That's an exaggeration, but you get my point. And now I'm going to aim my rant at the readers. Y'know what another one of my writing pet peeves are? It's when you bump the fucking thread when it's already on the first page or near the top. I call it spamming, and really? You can do better than THAT. If you can understand basic speech, then comment on the story. I don't want fifty meanigless 'BUMPS' after one single update. I want somebody to actually comment and criticize me. Yeah. And you hypocrites who agree don't even do shit about it. And when you comment and say you agree, I won't hesitate to call you out. We've been through this for what... like, 5 times? Baby, puh-laize. 8( And now back to the writers! Put some damn effort into your story. 'And than, she dragged me to there and said 'amy omg r u alright' i replied 'yeah im fine' 'okay good' and then she continued walking and then we stopped the trees were shiny and the birds were green and i like pie' NO. JUST NO. The last 'sentence' was completely irrevalent to the entire Goddamn paragraph. Where the hell were the commas and the periods? Why the hell did you use 'u' instead of 'you'?! Yeah. I'm going to be a grammar nazi and spelling jew and tell you... NU. And you HAVE to put a period inbetween those quotation marks when the characters are interacting. Don't make me strain my fucking eyes. And when someone criticizes you, basically we expect you to take the criticism and do something with it. Yeah. IMPROVE. Not continue with that piece of thing you call literature. I mean... liksrsly. Just... No. Pay more attention to class. *headdesk* (If you have dyslexia or anything then I'm sorry. D: Wasn't directed to any of you with some disabilities <Icouldn'tfindabetterword> and stuff. I'm talking about those who don't put effort into it on purpose. D Ahem. Yes. Now to address another matter. I love it when a story is original. But when you try too hard and throw random, meaningless things into it.. Then it just doesn't make sense. It's like having werewolves that were originally born in volcanoes and pokemon that can speak fluent german and dances to irish music while also being able to communicate with aliens. NO. NOOOOOO NO NO NO NOOO. Now that that's over, something else. Clichés. I don't mind a little cheese and cliché, but when you make it a 'HIGH SCHOOL ROMANCE DRAMA' or a 'COFFEE SHOP ROMANCE' or a 'VAMPIRE SEXY FETISH-' *crossthelastoneout* or a 'BATTLE OF THE COWBOYS VS ALIENS', then no. Please, no. ... Wait. The last last one's a pretty good idea. SOMEONE, MAKE IT AN ACTION COMEDY. Yeah. Just... No. I don't want a stupid love triangle like Twilight. Trust me. Just no. Twilight ruined it for me when the sequel came out. So... No. I don't want a high school romance where the girl's an outcast and the boy's a jock, or a cheerleader and a nerd or anything too cheesy. I mean, COME ON. We're done with the 80s, people. High school has its angst and good topics for literature, but really? Psh. Even my toenail can make a better love story than that. That concludes my rant. -- There. I've done it. Old Chloe is back and I'm so close to shooting her now that I've almost lost my fucking patience. This isn't directed to anyone in particular, so please don't bitch about it to me. =_= I'll add anything else I find rant-worth annoying that's relevant to this thread. Kthnxbai.
I wrote a sample story in KaW way back in the past. Boy, the readers there were so harsh. Every update, I get strong criticisms. I hated those comments, but I have to admit it. Because of those criticisms, I was able to improve my writing. That's why, I'm totally agreeing to this thread. The authors should be open to criticisms. We have to learn the hard way.
I know how you feel, Eliza. But if they bluntly said 'this sucks', you can maul their faces off. ;D Well, unless they said it in a way to try to help you... ._. Eh. ANDI BABY! YOU'RE BACK! KQFXOKQNFPXONQNF!
Just for today cause I have no homework. xD But I also know what Eliza means. Gosh, there was this one dude in KaW and he was just plain RUDE. Yep, I got him in trouble. I think I PMed you about him waaaay back, Chloe-sama. :>
Oh my gosh, thaaaaaaank you so goddamned friggin' much! There are like loads and loads and loads and loads and loads-okay I'll stop being repetitive but you got my point-of rookie writers. And they don't even try. It's some meaningless crap like "I wuv you and pineapples are good!!!" And the people go and say "Bump! This is good. Keep going" And I'm like ._. WTF? It's a pile of shit and everyone should know that. I'm wondering whether I should post to help them because they seem to want the attention so much. And so I wonder for a few minutes and decide to post. THEN they go, 'ooh, no one likes my story any more' THEN the others go, 'NOO! We wuv your story' Then the author whines some more and the so-called-intelligent-readers-go whine a bit more to me and the author. And then the author goes all lawyer-ish on me and says,"You are now forbidden from this thread." I'm like WTF? ._. But I was rookie writer too so I understand ._. A teensy weensy little molecule-ish bit. At least I LEARNT punctuation, grammar and spelling and USED it! Sorry. I just needed to get that off my chest. It waaaas painful living in silence!!!!! ._. I'm kidding. Don't murder meh._. But anyway Goldia!!! ILY for bringing this up! kthxbai ._. -Nightmare
Very good- To be honest, I kind of miss your rant threads. But I barely go in Off Topic, so… Chloe, do you even post there anymore?
sorry. Preparations for school and life in general. Kinda stressing me out. I'm focusing on WOA more than the others
Meh. Sometimes. Depends. :> when I do, I make sure to spread the gospel of skinny jeans and ironic tees. 8( Anyway... DUHRP.