Preface- My world is coming to an end. My miserable existence finally is to be silenced. I've hated my life since… argh, I can not bear to even think the wretched name. He left me alone and now I'm leaving. Good-Bye cruel, cruel world, hello blissful death. ~~Sephany Blue's POV~~ Wednesday 4th July 'Dear Diary, another heart fluttering day today at high school. Gosh, I've been in love with the same guy since year 5! I'm serious, end of the year, the year 10 formal. I can't be bothered. It's like I'm invisible or something. He can't see me... and I sit next to him!! He might need glasses or something. Or, he is being plain ignorant. I'd rather think its the former, though I think it is quite clear it's the latter. Argh… My god, that's like the most used word in my vocabulary. Argh… Well, homework time!' I put down my favourite purple ink smiggle ball point pen next to my open sparkly purple and gold diary. "Where's the stupid lid?" I mutter, frantically searching under my desk for it. My soft, hazy, green eyes welled with tears. No! Not because I couldn't find my lid, well partly because, but I had just banged my head on the underside of the desk. "What the HELL?" I scream at the desk, cursing at it under my stinking breath. I roll out from below. "Ouchy ow" I repeat, holding my head between my pale hands. Argh… I'm not a klutz, just tall, lean and gangly. My parents call me "Pretzel" My friends "Twisty" Oh, I love that name. My fav chips are twisties so I'm okay with it. Then I heard a squeak. Quickly I sat up and gathered everything I'd knocked down. "Not now! Not now!" I hurriedly wished for my mother was coming up the stairs to my room. Its on the second storey of our suburban home in Tethickey, NSW. I'm neighbours to my crush, and bet buddies (Who are twins). I check the door. I sense mum is still deciding wether to investigate or leave me in peace. I scramble to my chair while watching the handle…
Aww… thanks. So here is your next update!! ~~Rhonda Blue's POV~~ "Ahhhhhhhhh…" I sighed as I took a sip of my relaxing herbal green tea and relaxing in our massage chair. "This is my life…" Sephany is very quiet upstairs in her bedroom, Tearence is at his mates house and Quil, well probably stuck in traffic again. No 12 year old brothers annoying their 16 year old sister, just quiet, relaxing peace. 5 minutes later ~~ My goodness, Sephany is making such a ruckus up there now. Unlike minutes before. I wonder whats going on. I put my cup down and slowly rise from heaven. "What the HELL?" I hear her scream at something and I know something's up. It deffinitly snapped me out of my dreamy, chillaxed state for sure. I go for the stairs and start climbing. I think through the possibilities- you know,the cause of the noise?- "Sephany doesn't have a boyfriend, her brother is out, she doesn't crawl under her desk anymore, and she's doing homework." I nutter out, ending my train of thought right outside her closed door. I reach out to knock… then pull it back. 'No, no, no!' I furiously think, 'No knocking!' So I instinctly reach for the handle just to have my other hand wrestle it away. So I abruptly turn and start pacing the hall. "Should I? Should I not? Do I investigate? Or give privacy?" I babbled to myself. Finally I came to a conclusion. Ever so silently I crept up to the door and looked in vain at the knob...
So here it is. Very anticipated update. Now there's no reason for the poor puppy to get it!! ~~Sephany's POV~~ I see mums move a millisecond before the action. Jumping onto my swingy computer desk chair I sit calmly, eyes wide, staring as Rhonda turns the handle. "Oh, I see, everything's in order then?" as her surprised gaze circumvents my massive bedroom. "Of course mother! Why, the hell, would you think it was messier than this morning when you came and checked on it after I'd gone for school?" I demanded of her, feinting innocence, surprise and hurt… all at the one time. And Rhonda, my mother, sees it all happening and rushes to my 'aid'. "Oh Pretzel, oh deary, oh Pretzel deary!" She stumbles like the klutz she is over to my side. Putting her hand on my shoulder, I react almost instintaneously. "Mu-um. I'm fi-ine! I need to finish my homework. Go away!! Get out!! Shoo!!" "Oops… sorry Pretzel. Dinner at 5." She murmurs. I check the clock, and my face pales. "Uhhhh… mum… Adalina's coming over in 5. Add her for dinner. We're studying together… right…" Rhonda stares intensely at my ingenuous expression. Ever so slowly, I roll backwards, AWAY from mum. That's when I hit something…