I'm going to lay this all out for you, since you're as incompetent as a middle school drop out. Garret began to farm you for his own reasons. In fact, when this happened I was away from my iPod almost the entire day, and hadn't talked to him in a couple days, and I assure you the conversations we held on and before that day were never about you—as much as you want to think they were. Instead of dealing with the problems you have with Garret, you write comments "apologizing" for hitting me, when you very well could have left me out of the entire situation. Now, I took well over 500 hits from you the last time this happened and didn't hit you back one bit. Not one hit was made by SBO members nor were people instructed by me to hit you in my benefit, as much as you and everyone else thinks that. You've bullied me and others to the point where we are quite frankly just downright annoyed with your fail tattle-tailing to ATA, your "poor me" attitude, and the lies you feed the current people in your club and the people you try to get on your side. You want to know why it's failed so much? Because ever since I've known you, you've torn down any good thing that's come your way. And I was always there for you to pick up after you. So was Rain. After standing by your side when everyone thought she was crazy and got farmed because of you, you farm her because she's "one of them now," completely disregarding the friendship that you had. Let's not forget those times when you told me to leave you alone before you hired me, verbally attacked me in tutor chat, called me and verbally attacked me VIA voicemail and text message, messaged me on another app telling me to leave you alone, plus the other ways you tried to get your point across, even though I never messaged or called you first. You were asked to leave me and SBO alone, and you agreed—I can go bump that thread if you don't remember. SBO will stop attacking you the moment you admit that I was not and AM NOT the reason you "have been strip farmed for months," and you again promise to leave SBO, me, and my friends alone, you admit to your faults, and deal with the problems face to face with the people who have been attacking you, not the 130kcs players and below defending themselves from your attacks—the players about 1/4 of your size. People have problems with you. Not because of me, never because of me. But because of the way you've always been. These are my terms. You agree or the farming continues.
Jopo I'm not clear about what you mean by I stuck around or came back. Explain please. If you thought the comment that I made about someone stuck around to correct me was not directed towards you. It was to the English instructor.
I dont read long drawn out bullshit.. Lol, believe what you want, i haven't lied about anything. My powers have doubled since the last time we've fought .... Count!
Still missing the point, Garret attacks me, i attack Shannon, SBO attacks me, i attack SBO... Its not hard logic to follow.
Deadly, I see why you're getting farmed.. I would farm you too.. You complain, yet don't want it to be stopped. Suck it up, and don't complain. You're calling this on yourself. Here you were giving a way out, but refuse to take it, but want to talk and be cocky about your strength being doubled. I hope you run from TBB because I'll be damned if you try getting them involved in this. Now get out of forums and stop seeking attention or help, whatever it may be.
Ive complained? Pls point out where... Also, regarding 'reason'? Garret is a boy who doesnt need a reason, conflict and fighting is what the game is about isnt it? Anakin finally killed Dooku
Deadly, by saying run, I meant keep them out of your drama which I'm pretty sure they'll do. And yes you making this forum is for attention, and maybe even some kind heart hero to try saving you right. Enjoy being dtw. Enjoy the $$ being made Shan