
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Eliza02 (01), Nov 9, 2011.

  1. Update please
  2. (hey everyone I am sorry to interrupt this but I am writing a story called Runaway and I would appreciate it of you could just check it out! Thanks and sorry for this post!! 
  3. Update soon please!!!!!!!!
  4. Omg I looked at this story and saw it was 233 pages, so I thought no way was I going to read the whole thing.
    Then I started reading, and I got hooked, and… three hours went by. But I don't care, because those were three hours well spent.
    I love your story! I don't think the relationship is too rocky, or there's too much going on, because it's easy to understand what's going on. The fact that their relationship has a lot of problems in it is good, because it adds suspense.
    I know there's a lot of high school fan fic romances, but this is different because it's original, and has more than just a perfect relationship.
    I love how Chelsea isn't the perfect girl, and every guy falls in love with her. The fact that she's so plain, and that Rick, a practically perfect guy, could fall in love with her is amazing, and makes their relationship so much better.
    And I am honestly amazed at how you can keep this story going to 233 pages. I thought for sure the story would be over by now. Most stories would die and get too boring, but you miraculously have so much inspiration that you can keep this story interesting and suspenseful until here. And you still have more updates to go!
    This story is one of the best I have read. I wish this was actually published, so more people would know about the existence of this wonderful story. Your story is perfect.
    I'm sorry for clogging up your thread with my really long comment, but I needed to tell you how awesome this is. That is all. 
  5. Wow fail now it's 234 pages
  6. @-Angel123-

    This may sound lame, but I have to say it. I teared up a little just by reading your long comment.

    It's just that. As you can see, I have not updated for a long time now. I promised to Desperate's readers that I won't give up on this story, but that promise may take a while for me to do. My schedule's too full- so full that I cannot even have a 4-hour decent sleep.

    Honestly, it breaks my heart every time I visit fanfiction. Why? I feel somewhat sad to witness the persevering Desperate being buried deep down the fanfiction world. My hands itch every time to update this humble story, but schoolworks kept on calling me, forcing me to desert Desperate.

    I knew I had to write this. Your comment gave me joy as I learned about the entertainment Desperate has brought to you. Thank you, Angel.

    Please, readers of Desperate, bear with me as we witness Chelsea and Rick's bitterweet love story as it approaches its near-end. 
  7. it's okay if you can't update for a while, because schoolwork comes first. I think you already updated quite enough in your story, and your readers will probably understand.
    The quality of this story makes up for how long it takes you to update.
  8. My ultimate goal is to have my story reach as many number of pages yours has, Eliza. 

    Different has 104,
    Crush On You had around 80 and it's sequel, I Think I Love You has 32 (I think) But I'm not updating ITILY anymore. Maybe if I find inspiration, so I'm going to focus on Different.

    Only about hundred pages to go! 

    Love this, Eliza! Bump!
  9.  I'm glad I found this story again. :3 I've been waiting for an update... lol

    Well update whenever you can Eliza! :) Your Desperate readers will be waiting ^.^ Till then we meet until our next update.

  10. I've been reading this from the very start and I think it's one of the best stories on Fan Fic!! I'd be so sad to see this die.. I hope your schedule becomes less busy so Rick can finally sort himself out and get back together with Chelsea... At least I hope that's what's going to happen!!
