sending money

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by omar52, Jul 10, 2012.

  1. Hey guys 
    Haha why can't we send some money to other players 
    It's a fast way to help them grow and better than doing volleys or hires !
    Haha I wish in the next updates they do something like that ! So I could Leo my members to grow fast
  2. When I go outside in the morning, the sun sometimes hurts my eyes, because there is no house in front of me, and my house is facing the sun. It gets pretty bright here in the mornings.. So I bought sunglasses.. Then I lost them. So I complain.
  3. Yeah haha that would be better ! 
  4. You know... I used to think CPTWell's posts were completely random... but now that I actually read them, they are not so random
  5. (/)_-) So, basically send half the players on PIMD to instant LCBC?
  6. How are my posts random gonzo and also this idea has already been discussed and denied by the developers
  7. Imagine people beating the game in 1 day. What fun is their in that?