MIGHT CONTAIN SPOILERS In your opinion, if you had to choose a better movie(comic included)-series which is better based on what you've seen(read)? I have seen both the original spiderman and amazing spiderman and I would have to say, in my opinion, the original was far better. Although I haven't read the comics, I am sure those beat both movies by far. So what is the best Spiderman Movie/comic and state how you support it to be the best. 。All that love and stuff・ ☆彡Katedizzy
The Amazing Spiderman is the original one. Follows the comic. To my knowledge (I read about it) And it was far better than Spider-Man [Toby Macguire's (idk if I spelled that right)] But yeah. The new one that just came out was by far better. In my opinion. And the girl was hotter. Emma Stone
Andrew Garfield is so much hotter. And Amazing Spiderman. It's not the usual bad-guy-then-good-guy-comes-and-girl-is-there-and-good-guy-wins kind of movie. There's actually more depth and mystery into it. I also like the stunts more, frankly. And dayumm, Andrew Garfield?!
Hm. Thank you for sharing. ^^ I like to get the bigger details than just what I know from the movies I have seen.
I haven't seen the amazing spiderman But I will... I just think that spiderman was my childhood Fav movie so idk