your one wish

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *sexynoa (01), Jul 9, 2012.

  1. your one wish would be ......

    my one go to warped tour every year :) without paying :)
  2. To be able to give myself unlimited super powers simmultaniously big word  I probably spelled wrong
  3. My one wish would be for UNLIMITED WISHES >:D
  4. To Have Some Forum Friends
  5. to hv another wishes 
  6. I'll be your forum friend  oh wait no....i'm a hater 
  7. Ok ____________ I'll be your friend 
  8. To take other people's souls and be able to sell a soul for anything
  9. I Have A Friend Yay
  10. For either more wishes or something personal
  11. Mine is to stay with my one true love forever.......SIKE jk jk
  12. Actually that is my one wish
  13. I want forum friends too! I wish I was known around here..  lol
    But i agree with the warped tour, I'm definetly going next year for the first time 
  14. @rachel I went to this one and I'm going nxt year :)
  15. Anna to come back 