
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *mizzjuicy (01), Jul 4, 2012.

  1. well you know how all mods are suppost to be perfect little angels? j31 isn't!! my friend showed me messages between them and they were roleplaying!  it really doesnt seem like her... i thought she was clean but those messages said she wasnt... she even threw the neck! i was like that couldnt be her... but it was... i will never look at her the same way again... no longer respected j31... no longer respected... 
  2. true stuff 
  3. Oh yeah? Why don't you post those pictures, hmm?
  4. No way, you're kidding smh.
  5. Girl that is crazy ...... Cause they r suppose to be perfect but she isnt wow i cant believe that
  6. Who cares as long as she keeps it outta wc or doesn't advertise for it on wc?
  7. Nobody's perfect .-.
  8. False accusations are silenceable.

    So unless you have proof, you might want to stop typing before I press my pretty red button.
  9. The proof is always missing in situations like this. You probably gave evidence of Rose being biased too. Right? But of course you have a convenient excuse for not being able to post the Ss.
  10. The green one is right. Roll that over in your head for a while.

    Pics or get the fuck out.

  11. Bum. Bum. Buuuuuummm. .-.
  12.  I love all the gullible noobs.
  13. Hey Rose, is the date in ur name ur birth date?
  14. Jane, I'm the bomb, cristiano, and op, are all in the same club. What a coincidence.
  15. Thats a huge coincidence Blockey.

    * OP's post in cc earlier*

    " Hey everyone, come support my thread"

  16. You need proof before you start saying stuff [​IMG]