Do and Don'ts on PIMD

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Rosey228, Jun 28, 2012.

  1. Damn I found drew's
  2. Goldia hmmmmm ya know im old enough and everything so this is really for 14 year olds and newbies so ya
  3. You're 14?

    Are you fucking kidding me?

    You're a disgrace to society if you're 14 and in a fucking 'dirty RP' club.

    And no. You AREN'T old enough. Don't act like you are, because even just by looking at your poorly constructed sentences, it's obvious that you can't even comprehend half of the shit the world has to offer you. D:
  4. You're never old enough to sext strangers.
  5. I'm not a 14 year old I said this for them!!!!
  6. And I really have to check my grammar on a app?
  7. Maybe I do hahaha
  8. Yes Rosey. You should check your grammar. Otherwise, you look like an idiot. By the way, no one will take you seriously when you talk like a caveman.
  9. Cant read more of this stuff anymore. It infesting this (and others) forum(s) as much as fleas are infesting fur of foxes.
    Every adult is a perv same as every teenager is pimpled ridden, weed chain smoking, swearing, alko-pop gazler.
    Get real. Chat makes no harm. What makes harm is breaking rules that are part of every bloody thread here.
    All u teens are bloody rule breakers. Thats the only way how perv could get his fill. Get it or get molested instead.
  10. Fuck you rosey , is that rule breaking ? Sorry a teenager loves to insult fools
  11. ahem i take offence to this thread
  12.  lmfao 
  13. Prickles
  14. No bad word could be as bad as that
  15. Hold up guys,
    Got to start up my car..
    *vroom VROOM drama drama drama drama drama drama*
  16. I just noticed OP stated, "this app is for adults"

    Uh... This app is for everybody, but preferred 17 . This isn't an adult X rated app which by OP club page, is what she's looking for

    And, "think about who you're talking too" ... You're on an app. You never know who you're talking too. Let's say we take this to pal. This is me
    Actually, that is not me! You can be anyone and anything you want to on the net.

    Go ahead and think that the fact you been chatting someone for weeks means you know them oh... That's right, you are being cautious and you do know the person on the other side... I forgot, you are a pre-teen / teenager, and they know everything

    You disgust me. Thanks for letting me rant
  17. Oh, I had a question also.

    I went to Tiki Bar Opening and on the corner, there was a 10 year old dressed in booty shorts and a belly shirt selling glow sticks.

    By any chance, was that you? (OP)