The Liar In Me.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Captain-Jack-Sparrow3, Jun 29, 2012.

  1. Once upon a time, there was a young knight, who was actually very young, under the legal age as a matter of fact.

    He always wanted to pretend to be like the bigger, stronger, and better knight. As the days went by, his lies grew larger and larger. It got to the point where he would actually go out and believe his own lies, as if he was actually the larger knight, with all the decorations and trophies. He really believed he was this better person.

    Well, one day, the young knight met a princess. The princess was astounding, beautiful, majestic. As they started talking, they realized how much they really connected. The knight began to realize that this princess was more like his real self, and less like the fake self. Shame on him he has been lying from the beginning right?

    Well, one fateful, and yet frightful day, the Princess, in all her esteemed glory, begun the conversation of her unmentioned prince. Our young knight, was heartbroken. But he was lying too. All this time, he was hiding behind a plate of steel, and carried a sword that hurt his back for miles a day, just to impress the lovely princess. As all the lies unfolded, the relationship that had was severed, yet mendable. It is as if there is a connection between the two of these young lovers, but not a connection at the same time do to lies that persisted.

    The Princess felt as if she was untrustworthy because of her small lie. The young knight, who lied about his entire life, felt so much anger inside of him, that a dragons magical fireball couldn't phase him.

    The young knight would fight to hell and back, conquering every kingdom along the way, just to impress this young lady, and make life peaceful for himself. As he was fighting through these kingdoms, he begun to tel the truth again, for who he really was. He was accepted in these foreign kingdoms. He saved them, and he saved himself.

    But then he though about the Princess.

    What could have been, if he wasn't a compulsive liar from the beginning, and if he wasn't so stupid as to stoop so low? My question to this knight is, "What if?"

    Perfect isn't perfect anymore, me or the knight can't know real emotions because we seem to not have enough confidence in ourselves. As for the Princess, I would make you my Queen any day. 

    Love you, Princess. 
  2. You know, this was made one minute forward from the time my iPod has.
    You a wizard bro?

  3. Thats pretty bad ass 
    I'm not a wizard.
    Just a young knight. 
  4. You sure you aren't a duel wizard/knight hybrid?
    Should check your family tree to double check.

  5. My family tree is an interesting group of conversation.
  6. is that a confession of ur life cjs?  u could make it into a book 
  7. Sounds like a episode of Merlin.

    *geeks out*

  8. Not of my life, just events that happened today.
  9. Awww what happens next? and don't dwell too much on the 'what ifs' capt... You can only be certain of the 'what is' and just move forward from there.... We all make mistakes

    Well that's what I would say to the prince in this story
  10.  Feel your pain lol
  11. *tell, sorry I just had to do it.
    Didn't know the one above me was still alive either.
    Still though, how did you manage to write this one minute in my future?
    Wizard, is what I'm betting on.

  12. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww. That's a sad yet happy yet cute fairy tale true story. Whoever the princess is, I'm sure she loves you, too!
  13. You'll see. Luck!
  14. an event that happened today? can i envy u? .-.
  15. Envy me? Nah, never.
    Just being honest.
    She knows who she is now.
  16. $10 bucks says princess is actually a dude.
  17. Yeah, she is the man, man!
  18. Bump for a certain part 
  19. OMJ. YOU TOLD HER???  YAY!!! 