My first kiss was at the beach when I was 15 we were playing 3 minutes in heaven and when it was my turn I just made out with my friends brother who was 18. We almost had sex actually because he started kissing my neck and took off his shirt, took off my bathing suit cover and shorts..but then he stopped so we made out for like 10 minutes instead of 3 lol
First one when I was eleven at the girls house. Then 13 right when school got out. And 13 at a school dance. And when i was 5. My mommy.
I was in a field, with my boyfriend I was 15 and we were watching the sun go down and then he told me he loved me and we kissed
I was about to hav one bcuz a boy loved me and I only liked him and we had an assembly and he sat next to me sso my friend dared me to hold his hand so he did then he told me to go to the bathroom but I didn't go and then when he graduated I saw him at my brothers graduation and I felt scared bcuz his mom started talking to me.