OP, you're immature for not walking away and not letting us get to you. You're obviously giving us satisfaction by commenting back and keep us going. To keep it simple: You stay, we happy.
Firstly that ain't a rule that's a tip secondly if someone's hurting u do not take advantage come on anyone knows that
Skylar, I showed my wife what you said and she had the same opinion as me. You are using the girls hurt for your advantage.
Wow, now that I actually read this, you are swooping in on a girl when she is at her lowest point, so you can take advantage and make her feel all good about herself, and have high hopes that she will date you? In my opinion, an Eagle will smite you.
._. i am many girls friends. I just throw my two cents in and carry on. I don't look for anything in return. Idk if that counts as taking advantage, but whatever.
OP is just a sad, desperate thing that believes losing your V-Card at the first chance you get is a wonderful achievement. Guess what? It isn't when you're a minor. And I'm pretty sure OP's still a kid. Who you calling dumb again?