
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -LNS-llllICombatIIlll, Jun 27, 2012.

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  1. Oh, and I was immature?
  2. Please note that natie was not in war when this happened. o_O wasn't actually even in war prep when in happened.
  3.  and that is why I didn't use that as an argument
  4. (/)_-)/ Just stop hiring randomly!

    Ask each other to hire tutors.

    Then guess what, less problems for everyone -_-
  5. u shouldn't hav to ask, it's a free market... hire as u please
  6. Thats the damn problem, "free market" is an excuse ._.
  7. free market is not an excuse.. free market IS THE MARKET! 
  8. Nope .-. market is not free, it costs and has risks
  9. Exactly. I use to try asking but when people say no it's like bro, if you don't bump them with a friend in a few hours I'm hiring. You really shouldn't be able to say no. o_O if they dont answer I just hire. It became too much work for nothing to come out of it though so I just started hiring.
  10. Why I stopped asking:

    1. Tutors get hired away while waiting for reply
    2. Pupil ignored the request or say no
    3. Pupil vollied the tutors themselves

    Highest bidder keeps is easiest to understand and makes economical sense.

    Only tutor hoggers want to keep underpriced tutors / vollies to themselves. Is it pupil responsibility to check their own tutors or is it hirer's fault to hire a tutor one values?
  11. Blockey has spoken
  12. 
  13. Damn .-. This market so far too self destructive.
  14. One more thing, there's no such thing as force volley.

    No one is forcing the previous pupil to hire back.

    Let the hirer get stuck with the tutors if one thinks it's overpriced. Else just hire back if one still find value in the tutor.
  15. cjs is my new best friend.... sorry bob
  16. That's what I said.  I hate the term force volley. Nobody forces you to hire back and turn it into a volley 
  17. I do agree, it is a free market. But, be prepared for the consequences
  18. damnit Hermes... we were all finally about to agree on something and now u gotta go off about consequences 
  19. I don't think I've ever been farmed for tutor trading. .-. And I do it daily. So I don't know that there are consequences. That or I'm just too boss to be farmed. :cool:
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