Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Legendary_, Jun 26, 2012.

  1. Write down some akward moments lets keep it going 
  2. Really ur gonna correct me in my own how do u know i didnt mean akward
  3. That awkward moment when you can't think of a better comeback so you result to acting like an idiot.
  4. That awkward when you realize moment isn't there.
  5. You're* you* didn't* awkward*
    Because I know what you mean because I am psychic 
  6. Cpt u caught me i had no better comeback
  7. This is a akward moment post not english class
  8. That awkward moment you are aiming down the sights of your gun at a target, and pull the trigger. You realize you are out of bullets two seconds to late.
    So your enemy draws a gun on you, and he has an awkward moment also, because of the fact he didn't even have a cartridge in.

    So you both run at each other, and it's even more of an awkward moment when one of you trip, during the fall season.

    That whole scenario would be really ******* awkward.
  9. I know, I'm an arse aren't I? 
  10. That awkward moment when....

    Shoot i forgot


    This is awkward....
  11. That Awkward moment when you thought ur post was gonna be popular but wait

    ITS NOT 
  12. That awkward moment when you pick a booger and the President of the United States is looking right at you!
  13. I prefer the term gluteals, doesn't make me sound fat o_O
  14. AWK...WARDDDDDDDD!!!!!! 
  15. Yes small talk it does awkward o_O
  16. That awkward moment when you go to shake the presidents hand and the green, slimy booger is still at the end of your finger
  17. That awkward moment when OP doesn't know how to spell awkward. 