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Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *SunnySideUp (02), May 24, 2012.

  1. I want one from Justin beiber

    Just for the heck of it...
    Be creative
  2. All will be done in less than a week, really busy but thanks for all the requests
  3. I will have all of the Hunger Games ones 
  4. Ok! All the requests r done!!! If u want more art, wall me!!!
  5. Wall card requests???? Anyone????
  6. Can u post one on my wall please, I'm not picky just something pretty xxx
  7. Hey everyone!!! Thanks for the requests! Im still open to personalized requests so let them flow in!!!!
  8. I want one with this symbol, and the word INFINITE above in all caps and the word INSPIRIT below in all caps. Thanks! ^.^

  9. Sorry, I'm a hardcore INSPIRIT. 

    You can omit the symbol if it takes up too much space in the wall card. 
  10. Anymore requests??? 
  11. I'd like one 
  12. I would like one too. Please
  13. I finished all the requests!  let the requests roll in!!! you can also wall me for special themes.  also, thanks everyone for your support on Wall Cards !
  14. Can I have one about a Harry potter and hunger games mash up? Like a little of both in the wall card:)
  15. I know you've given me like... 6, but can I have 1 last one?

    One with Rue and Threah, and District 11 maybe?
  16. Can you have a swimming one? Like this:

  17. Can I have 19 the one with 
  18. FINISHED! Anymore special requests? 
  19. Uhmm óne with A princess ón it  Just for fun...