Night World RP

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Vampgirl (01), Jun 15, 2012.

  1. Xander: -laughs and pulls her under kissing her-
  2. Scarlet:-kisses back and goes up ti the surface.-
  3. Xander: -goes up to surface- (brb... I'm going for a little while)
  4. I'm in love and I ain't saying who..... DAMN IT! IM AN IDIOT...

    He's the most Amazing guy ever!!!
  5. Max:-sleeps in his car to tired to get a hotel-
  6. Scarlet:-jumps on the bed.-
  7. Kat: -drives back to Xander's place and walks in- ROXAS I HAVE YOUR CLOTHES!
  8. Roxas: thanks kat
  9. Kat: Yeah yeah whatever -waves hand dismissively and goes to my room-
  10. Max:-drives around town, upset-
  11. Sophia: -wrocks the babies-

    Xander: -lays in the bed looking out at the ocean-
  12. Scarlet:-jumps on Xander.-
  13. Roxas: -walks behind Sophia and holds her-
  14. (lol I blame facebook XD... I'm gunna on on there for a few dad or so catching up with a few friends)