Sunset Summer Camp(Rp)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Cherry1313, Jun 21, 2012.

  1. Dashie that is nommy
  2. Nommy nommy nommy :3
  3. Ok guys start!
    Destiny: *walks out of the bus onto the sand, smiling, looking confident*
  4. Matt: -walk out of the music room with my guitar strap over my neck-
  5. Destiny: *walks up to Matt with my bags* Hi I'm Destiny!
  6. Matt: Hi there Destiny im Matt i am the music leader will you be taking my class?
  7. Destiny: Definitely! I love to sing, can I show you?
  8. Matt: yeah and we are having an assembly later and you can sing there too if you want im showing my guitar skills and everyone else who wants to join in can join in
  9. can i join if so can u be jane
  10. ppl are on now? :D
  11. *walks around looking for something*
  12. Destiny: Thanks! *walks off to my cabin who I'm sharing with…(you guys pick)*
  13. (choose a category music, art, cooking etc.)
  14. confuzzled?
  15. ~ time skip ~
    Matt: Welcome everyone i am matt and i will be your music leader you will be bunking with your friends and no girls and boys in the same camp please, sorry camps rules... Lets start by seeing what some of your talents are so just come up here if you wanna perform i will start off -swings guitar around from my back and plays a song i made myself excellently-