
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Lesbehonest-, Jun 18, 2012.

  1. Okay. You don't have to believe me.
  2. I just LOL at the fact everything adds up to being you yet you deny it's you  you fail at just about everything you are useless at lying why even try?
  3. I'm not trying anymore.
  4.  You tried to lie to her Samantha rofl
  5. no obviously not coz it comes naturally to you... You need it to breath
  6. Like, within the last page or so
  7. I never posted pictures of thy girl!!!!
    I don't have you on pal either.
  8. U.S.P. (stands for unidentified strange person ) care to tell your true story, in one post, without involving another person (real or from your imagination)?
    Just so I can try to understand...
  9. My real name is Sam, I didn't tell anyone but one person. I sexted a lot of guys, and I regret it. It was my choice to do something bad. I am changing, I will not lie anymore. You can tell people to watch what I do.
  10. you dont have me on pal coz i got rid of u on there and I stopped taking to you ages ago
  11. Listen. You are the one lying. You are trying to make me look bad then I already am. You have the wrong person. I am not the girl you are talking about.
  12. I never got the full definition of whAt troll means
  13. I'm not making u look worse Hun you already did that with making this thread  it's all you
  14. Mari
  15. I know.  I never had you on pal.
  16. So your name is Sam and you're a sextaholic?

    How long have you been without sexting!

    ( bad joke)

    Well it takes 2 to sext I guess... So for that it's not only your fault...

    But why is everyone so mad at you... It can't be for the sexting...
  17. Did you read what Rose said?
  18. About you sexting half the guys in Pimd?
  19. Yes... But that's why everyone hates you? Is that the real reason they hate you?

    Cuz if it was they'd be hating on the guys too...