Women aren't so complicated anymore

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Couch_Violating_Panda-, Jun 19, 2012.

  1. I realized that I needed to share this with the boys. This thoroughly explains women PERFECTLY. ..

    -Ladies, it's a joke so please don't beat me. 

  2. I went to a funeral a few times in my life, some for families, some for friends, and some for random people. I tear up every time. It is very upsetting, and my heart goes out to all those people that have lost a loved one.
  3.  so funny
  4. I dont know you...... but I love you 
  5. Wth? Ok, that's sad and depressing. Post that in some emo thread. It's a joke. I don't even understand why you're talking about funerals and besides; Most of us has attended a funeral atleast once.
  6. Sometimes when I go in forums and they don't know who I am, or what I posted three days ago, I lol.
  7. I am a woman.

    And I found this hilarious. Most of it was actually true 
  8. I know who you are lol long long ago bro. I've been here before T2 BC days. 
  9. That, and we make damn good sandwiches.
  10. You're forgetting about how good we are at coffee
  11. My wife has farmed me on all ata games she's scary  she even sf meshe didn't come with warning labels
  12. ....Nice thread....


  13. This label is a bit late for alot of us. This describes 90% of my wife. 
  14. I thought this picture would go along with the thread 

  15. Wha? Guys will never understand women, were just complex like that  but we do have easy sides to us as well 
  16. 
    Priceless :lol:
  17. [​IMG]

    There we go . 