  star says tah-tah

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by X-Star-X_BA_X, Jun 18, 2012.

  1. My final good bye.. Seems a lot harder then I realized. However I need to do this. I've spent 18 months on this game watched it transform several times, watched my club grow, watched people I care about leave.

    I've met some of the most amazing people here.. Some I hope that will continue to be in my life.
    Dez- you've been my rock through hell and shared so many laughs with me. I love ya and always will!
     Johnny nitro- hellva guiding light always been a good friend no matter what!
    Cam aka phantasm- I don't know where to begin out side of thank you
     Miss Jay Angel- your a wicked awesome chick and I'm very fortunate to have met you.
    papabear- sweetest man ever always concerned and asked about me and my kid, truly a great friend!
    Ditch- what can I say your awesome but you knew that lol that is all... 
     Cuddlebunny- sweetie you got the world in your hands and I can't wait to see what you do with it!
    x-jane-x- I know I just met you but I'm glad I got the chance, you are hilarious.
    Jodybreeze- spectacular person and so kind, a diamond in the rough.
    gremlinmenace- don't worry you got this Mr. Grumbles lol
    j31- your an amazing woman and so empowering, you are an inspiration!
    Lembang- take care bud I won't be  on your wall 
     Turk- hellva show man! Lol
    Rebelle- always my #1, be safe and happy dear 

    And finally my apples as a whole you guys are amazing and never cease to amaze me!! I will miss talking to you guys. Stay strong and remember "rude, crude and socially unacceptable"

    If I missed anyone pls forgive me. Happy pimding merry farming and blessed volleying. Pots are sold continue to grow 
  2. Sometimes when I go the store, I see the same people buying the same stuff every time. Like seriously, I go to the store at different times. Do they just live in that grocery isle? I think, "Man, they're noobs at life. Never adventurous.." and I go and buy fried chicken once a week.. :/ but there are different flavors/seasonings, so it isn't that stupid.
  3. It was nice knowing you Star 
  4. Star I enjoyed visiting your club and your company.  you will be missed dearly as is Turk
  5. Love u star if anyone mean a lot to me on this game its u since the day I meet u we been tighter then trying to a  and some (•)and I know we will stay tight u if it wasn't for u I might would have been left we had so meany fun times the oovoo the skinny jeans and so much more I love u so much the one and only starbaby66
  6. You might not believe me but I'm crying as I write this you were my first friend here if not for you I would have quit that first day I really truelly from the bottom of my heart wish you and tater not forgetting link of course all the very best I will always try my best to be there for you but you already knew that. K. I. T. Always
    Your friend
    L. A. F.
    AKA PaPaB3aR
  7.  my eyes are leaking......
  8.  WHY?!?! wHy?!?! :((( i will hunt you down and bring you back!!!

  9. Hey Starbaby66 You going to be sincerely missed! Your an awesome girl, great to talk too, and we've shared so many laughs I wish you and your kids n fam, lots of future happiness and joy. Your a Star and sad to see you go. Lots of love and kisses CJ

    Don't be a stranger. 
  10. Star  I'll miss you  I wish you the best in your life.
  11. my dear... Words cannot say how sad I am to see someone of your grace and stature leave here. I'm so lucky to know you! I still want my updates and my snow dances

    Be happy and be well!!

  12. Star u have been there for me thru good n bad gave me the best advice n taught me to love who I am. We're still looking for our other crazy sister i put up wanted posters I'll miss u dearly but will never b far from u. U still gotta come see me u n deslove u sissy alway will
  13. You will be missed, Star 
  14. 
    My Star 
    Words cannot begin to describe what you mean to me. You are a truly remarkable woman. Your strength has been awe inspiring and I treasure our friendship dearly.
    Take care babes, always in my heart.
    Love you heaps 

  15. aunt star
  16. Love you star  we go a ways back Hun. I hope life treats u well
  17. StarI'll miss you
    You'll always be amazing star to meyou been there for me. U been a big sis to me too nd I'm glad I met u.I love youtake care.