Ok so my life is gr8 so far lol I have many friends and good grades my parents are very proud but I cant seem to find a good relationship cause I'll get with a guy n as soon as I sleep with him he'll dump me. And then he'll reask me out until I sleep with him n he dumps me again so the point is how do I tell if a guy likes me for me or if he wants to sleep with me Plz help
Mother of poor English... Ja, wait until marriage to sleep with your boyfriend, because by then you'll know if he really cares about and is committed to you, or if he's just another grade A jerk. Also, you'll get fewer STD's that way. Grammar Nazis.™ Heil Spellcheck.
Rockst, your first decision was to sleep around when you are married, but you decided to sleep around as a high school student? Man, I don't have to be Mr. t, but I pity the fool!
Rocky Hun, you should have a bit more restraint and stop sleeping with guys if you 'think' you love them.. Sex is meant to be beautiful with someone you KNOW you love. It's not meant to be something you do just coz it's expected to prove your love. Focus on respecting yourself and doing things to make you the person you're meant to become... If you do that rather than trying to find a guy to make you happy, I'm sure the right guy will eventually come along, dear . You attract what you put out there... Like my mama says, 'They shouldn't put it on the shelf, if it isn't for sale'... good luck sweetie
Wait a minute... You get good grades, so you must still be in school... And your parents are proud, meaning tou probably live with them... And your spelling, grammar, and sentence structure is... With my many years, and I mean MANY YEARS of watching Scooby Doo..... You are a minor, yet, you are sleeping with multiple partners? I smell illegal actions, and it's coming from you KingCal