Sorry it's just that I'm busy writing a story of my own a sequel to a story I wrote before which had the name of all the strikes I'll write
Haha it's fine and's fine don't worry and I'm so sorry for snapping at you! It's just that time of month so I'm kinda moody! Lol
I used to be just one but now I'm not...I guess all these years of watching my friends and family do things and hearing the things they've said turned me into these two different people. I wish I could've been one person...or Normal so the speak
Yeah no worries! And I'm only trying to make you a better writer! Not offend you! Continue you the story it's good!
Emma's POV again... __________________________________ I woke up at 5:30 am that morning. My alarm clock was blaring and the sun beamed in through my open curtains. I saw some birds perched on the tree limbs. They were chirping. It was a beautiful morning here. But the only bad thing I have dreaded going to school ever since that one day. I flung my blankets back and draped my legs off to the side of my bed. Looking around my room, I noticed it wasn't a bright as it usually was so I turned on my light. I stood up and felt a breeze come over my body. I walked over to my closet and dug for the perfect clothes. I finally decided on wearing some lime green converses, black skinny jeans and a plain t-shirt. I quickly took my clothes off and flung them into my hamper. Getting ready quickly, I threw my cloths on, not wanting to be late for school. I pulled my hair up in a side ponytail. I don't wear makeup. I'm not the makeup wearing type. To me it just makes people look trashy. I grabbed my tooth brush and ran some warm water over it and then put the tooth paste on it. Brushing my teeth in a left right left right up down up down pattern. I rinsed my tooth brush and my mouth and put my toothbrush down. I walked to my bedroom and grabbed my phone and slid it into my back left pocket and slung my bookbag over my shoulder. __________________________________ Cody's POV I woke up at 7 am. Yeah yeah I'm gonna be late for school. Ha. I don't care. I threw my blankets off of me and crawled out of bed. I went to my nearest dresser and pulled out my Pink, American Eagle shirt, my jet black pants and then I grabbed my DC's. I took off my shirt and looked in my mirror. "Yeah that's right I'm good looking" I flexed my muscles and smiled at the image I saw infront of me. I threw on the Pink shirt. And then pulled on my jeans. I only wear boxers and a shirt to bed. No pants, because that would be too much undressing. If you know what I mean(;. I slid on my DC's. Then flipped my hair "Lookin good hot shot" I ran down stairs and grabbed a apple and walked out the door. Feedback?
It's really good I like it but try to make Paragraphs so it looks like more and is easier to read also add more updates way too short for a hungry reader like me lol
Emma's POV __________________________________ I walked out of my house, when I did I noticed it was slightly windy. Eh I'll get over it. I walked to the edge of my driveway keeping a eye on my surroundings. At about the same time as I approached the edge of my driveway. My stuck-up neighbor walked outside eating an apple. I laughed at the sight. I admit I kinda have feelings for him, but he's the "I don't date geeks" kind of guy. So, that'll never happened. I sighed at the thought and heard someone call my name. I glanced back over and it was him. Cody Allen. He jogged over to me, making sure not to mess up his hair. Haha, such a diva. "Hey Cody" I somewhat yelled. "You need a ride? If you want you could m-maybe ride with me." I stood there looking at him while thinking at the same time. God, I really needed a ride so I put on a fake smile and nodded. He slung his arm around my shoulder and walked me over to his car. I wonder why all of a sudden he's being nice to me... I didn't even notice he had opened the door for me. I was too busy thinking about how nice he was being. I climbed into the car and he shut the door carefully. I watched him as he jogged around the car and got into his drivers seat. Soon enough, we were on our way to school. I kept glancing at him as he was driving. He had a smile on his face. Now this was a rare moment. I wonder... Feedback?