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Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *AnimeChicks_ANB (01), Jun 12, 2012.
Kat: -walks next to them-
Jezzabell: -walks to everyone and stands there-
Kat: -sees Jezzabell- Who's she?
Drake: beats me
Cynthia:-mutters to herself in latin-
Clarissa: -Muttering to herself in Latin also-
Jezzabell: I'm new... -looks at everyone- my names Jezzabell... Call me Jez...
Kat: -ignores her and walks past her- So Cynthia. Where we going?
Cynthia: Where do you think?
Drake: I wanna kill something
Kat: -shrugs- You tell me.
Ellie -laughs- kill me pirate, if you do that you won't find what your looking for, as. I moved it
Drake: *looks at the map Jack is holding for him* I think we are close to something deadly
Claire: -glares at drake- yes, lets all leave the map reader out of it
Ellie of course you are I know this place like the back of my hand
Drake: *smirks* don't make me kiss you
Jezzabell: I guess I'm ignored... -stands at the side and cleans my sword-
Claire: don't worry, I won't. Though if you do, I'll have to stab you
Clarissa: -Gives him a glare-
Ellie watch it pirate!