 Pirate role play 

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *AnimeChicks_ANB (01), Jun 12, 2012.

  1. Clarissa: -Grabs Claire- Stop it!!
  2. Kat: -ignores her and keeps walking-
  3. (is my character accepted?)
  4. (you know, I love how you control us, but then we can't control you... Like, I kicked you in the face after using my hands to hold myself up, but then you said "you can't control my character" right after you controlled mine -_- seems legit)
  5. (that was the copy that belongs to drake)
  6. Ellie -wakes up, notices the pirates, falls out of the tree to her feet- bloody pirates! -Throws a rock or two at pirates, hits one in the head-
  7. (I know so I don't know why Claire is running after me? )
  8. (I could block it when I caught your foot and twisted it you didn't come up with any response if you could find a physically possible way to block it it'd be allowed)
  9. (she just wants her money :3 she's greedy)
  10. Drake: *ducks the rock* calm down
  11. Ellie -and hides, waiting for them to walk in her trap-
  12. Kat: -gets hit in head with a rock- WHO THE HELL!?!? -gets pissed and sees Ellie- Its on bitch! -throws knife at her shirt pinning her to a tree-
  13. (Yes but twisting my foot into the ground is controlling where I go.. -_-)
  14. Kat: -jumps over the trap and holds knife to her throat- Who are you!?
  15. Drake: *sheathes his cutlass and takes the map from Kat and hands it to Jack* next time it's a bullet in the brain

    Jack: *takes the map

    Drake: *takes out his cutlass
  16. (but where else would you have went? I'm simply stating the reaction of my action)
  17. Clarissa: -Almost gets hit- **** you! -Throws one of my swords at your shirt, pinning the other side-
  18. (Clarissa seriously? -____-)
  19. (yes, as did I, the reaction of my kick to your face made a crack, but then you dodged -_- you see, that doesn't make any sense...)
  20. Kat: -pulls out the knife that isn't mine and throws it randomly wherever- FUCK that..