Hi, this story actually has nothing to do with cookies sorry. But, this is something my friend and I did together for fun. My friend has no idea I'm putting it here so don't expect her to comment xD. Well, hope you like it! (This is not a romance story, sorry) START OF STORY The mysterious happenings of Cindy Parker, Jodie Adams and John Sullivan began when the three friends were going for their daily evening run in a nearby park. While they were running, Cindy's sneaker untied and when she went to tie it, she saw a pair of green glaring eyes coming from a bush directly in front of her. In fright, she ran as far away from the bush, through some woods, as she could before she stopped from exertion. She doubled over and rested her hands on her knees near an old schoolhouse, thinking to herself it was just a trick of the mind. After a few seconds, she looked up and did she scream in terror! There were the same glaring green eyes peering out from one of the partially boarded up windows. Cindy then heard a bunch of rustlings in the woods behind her that she had ran through and defensively took off the shoe that never got tied and held it above her head. "I've got a shoe and I'm not afraid to use it!!!!!" she shouted at the general direction of the noises. But a few seconds later she sighed in relief because it was only John and Jodie. Her relief was quickly replaced with annoyance when John said, "The fuck is wrong with you, you dumb cunt??!!" Then Jodie said, "Really!! You scared the shit out of me!!" Cindy quickly retorted and said, "Guys I'm sorry, but I swore I saw eyes glaring at me!! So I would obviously run!! Wouldn't you??" John was very annoyed and shouted back, "Dumb hoe, I wouldn't have to run because I'm not some psycho bitch that be hallucinating shit! So can we go back now?" Cindy nodded in agreement and circled around to find out there wasn't a way out they knew. She started crying and hyperventilating but Jodie suggested that they just stay at the schoolhouse for the night for it was getting dark. The trio ventured into the schoolhouse cautiously. They had all watched scary movies before and just knew this was how all horror movies started, friends venturing into unknown places and getting into deep shit. Silently, they crept into the dark one room schoolhouse, for it was from ancient times, and Jodie took her iPhone out of her pocket and turned it on to shine on the place. They saw nothing suspicious, only three wooden desks facing a blackboard, what could've been a teachers desk was now rotten and beginning to fall apart from age and lots and lots of dust. On the walls were some candleholders and John quickly went around lighting the candles with his lighter (he smoked). Now the place was brighter but there was a shadow near the window and the left corner near the blackboard. When he finished, he turned around to look at the two girls who were hugging each other and looking left to right crazily. Exasperated, he threw up his arms and said, "Fuckers, y'all look like freaks, spazzing in the doorway. There's, fucking, nothing here, idiots." Jodie and Cindy inched slowly away from the doorway and, growing more confident, let go of each other and walked to John. Several hours later after a fine dinner of figs, mushrooms and dead leaves, the three friends decided to settle down at the three desks with a little joke of, "We'll just pretend we're in class and we'll sleep like stoned motherfuckers," but as soon as Jodie sat down the candles blew out. Cindy screamed and John yelled "FUUCCKKK!!" He pulled out his phone for some light and quickly relit the candles. While he lit the candles, Cindy scanned the room for an open window that could've sent a draft but there was nothing. She looked by the door and she saw Jodie's desk in front of it but Jodie was nowhere to be seen. Cindy was in so much shock she couldn't utter a sound, she just sat there agape. Soon John realized Jodie was missing and in the corner of his eye he noticed the mysterious shadow was gone. John went crazy and knocked over everything in search of Jodie. "WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK, WHERE THE FUCKING HELL DID THE LITTLE BITCH GO?!" Cindy stood frozen in the middle of the room and distantly through the thin walls she heard a familiar scream. Coming to life again, she yelled, "JODIE!!!!!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!?!" John stopped running around and turned to the sound where the scream seemed to have come from. Quickly, he grabbed Cindy's arm and dragged her out the door towards the scream. As soon as he exited the schoolhouse and turned the corner, both he and Cindy stood stock still and screamed. Before them lay Jodie's naked body and her detached head a yard to the left of the body. On top of Jodie, fucking her dead body was an odd deformed creature wearing a sort of cape. In it's hand was an old rusted pitchfork. At the sound of John and Cindy's screams, the creature turned it's head all the way around and looked at them with glowing red eyes. It's face was just gruesome. It had dry, frizzy hair sticking out in all directions, and it's mouth was hanging open all the way only attached with a single piece of skin. It's eyes were deeply sunken in and the skin was peeling off in flakes. The creature had humongous ears, deep red and the thin lips it had around the mouth were also deep red. Sharp teeth were apparent through the gaping mouth and out slithered a long reptilian tongue. John went hysterical and laughed saying, "UGLY BITCH, YOU NEED SOME FUCKING LOTION, MOISTURIZE YO FACE!!!!! DUMB CUNT, YOU KNOW WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE!?" "What the fuck is wrong with you, you fucking bastard!!!?? Our best friend is dead and that's all you have to say!!??" shouted Cindy to John as she turned to him and violently shook him, pausing frequently between sobs. Cindy momentarily forgot the hideous thing behind her when suddenly it entered her peripheral vision and pounced on John, giving Cindy a chance to run. But Cindy was a scared little bitch who only screamed, let go of John and ran away a few steps to the right. She then turned to see what was happening to her friend and the Thing. John was fighting the Thing and laughing hysterically. He seemed to have gone crazy. Before long, the Thing began to overpower John and it sank it's teeth deep into John's neck. John screamed like a little girl and started shaking violently while it seemed the Thing was sucking his blood, like a vampire. Cindy was screaming silently with her hands covering her mouth. Suddenly, something inside her snapped and she walked silently over to where the rusty pitchfork was. She cried quietly upon seeing her friend's dead body but that made her more determined than ever. With the pitchfork in one hand, she crept quietly behind the Thing. It was now devouring John's face and didn't seem to notice her. Cindy inched closer and closer but about a foot away from the creature she stepped on a branch. Cindy stood frozen as the Thing stopped eating John and turned slowly around to face her. Terrified, she closed her eyes and starting swinging her pitchfork in abandon. Vaguely she heard herself screaming and felt teeth sink into her several times. Cindy was sure she got some contact with the Thing and after what seemed like hours she opened her eyes and saw the Thing's limp form on the ground with it's face cut open. It was bleeding green liquid out of it's body but before it died it crawled to John and bit his exposed heart. After this one act, it rolled to it's side and melted. Legit melted. Cindy sank down to the floor and sat there rocking herself back and forth. She was in a great deal of pain. The Thing had bit her arms, chest, back and neck. She heard some rustling and slowly lifted her head. Out of John's heart was growing another body. Cindy's jaw dropped and watched silently as what was left of John's body slowly transformed into another Thing. She felt her strength leave her as "John" stood up tentatively, as if testing it's legs, and walked towards her. "John" fixed it's red eyes on her and leaped. "YOU BASTARD, I'M YOUR FUCKING FRIEND, REMEMBER ME?!?!" Cindy yelled desperately. She cried hysterically as she felt "John's" teeth sink into her heart. The last thing she saw before she died was the glowing new moon in the night sky. Thirty minutes later, two creatures stood up. They both felt extremely hungry and raced through the woods to the city behind it.