 Pirate role play 

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *AnimeChicks_ANB (01), Jun 12, 2012.

  1. (I don't know how to post a photo lol but I have one for Ellie)
  2. Name: Ellie
    Weapons: sword loves swords
  3. Ellie considers everything as a  to be used. Thats what I ment.
  4. Ellie: (sitting in cave, peers out cave and see's a ship not to far from porting) D-amn it! /thought; have the pirates come to finish me off now? Well I'm ready/ (Walks out of cave looks at the stars and moon)/at least I'll be able to see you one last time if I die, now off to set traps/ (climbs up tree out of sight, and falls asleep)
  5. Cynthia:kisses back Tom
  6. (Name: Rebecca Rodriguez
    Age: 18
    Occupation: a cook
    Looks(ignore the horse): [​IMG]
    Sword and daggers



    If you don't know her she is Cold-hearted
  7. Also she loves pointy things
  8. -Cries in my cabin-
  9. Kat: -walks into her cabin- Oh great... More crying.. What's up with you? -leans against foot frame-
  10. Kat: -raises eyebrows- Okay.. What's going on?
  11. Kat: If it was nothing you wouldn't be crying.
  12. Leave me alone!!!
  13. Kat: -shrugs- I'll stay here. -sits on my bed-
  14. Drake: *had disappeared along with Jack Using a smoking plant as a smoke bomb then is on a different ship full of terrified navy sailors ready to blow up the ship and he is holding a gun* you know I never got my sleepover *grins
  15. Get out my cabin!
  16. Kat: It's not YOUR cabin it's everyone's cabin. The captain is the only one with her cabin. So no I will not get out.