 Pirate role play 

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *AnimeChicks_ANB (01), Jun 12, 2012.

  1. Tom: What is it?
  2. Cynthia: Why'd you fall in love with me?
  3. Tom: I liked the way you were so nice to everyone and your so beautiful and so, so sexy.
  4. -Crying in the halls-
  5. Cynthia:-giggles- Sexy? How am I sexy?
  6. Tom: *runs his hands down from her shoulders to her hips* You just are.
  7. Cynthia:-giggles- I still don't believe you!
  8. Tom: What'll make you believe me?
  9. Cynthia: I don't know -smiles- All I know is that I'm not sexy
  10. Cynthia:-raises an eyebrow- Prove that i'm not sexy? How?
  11. Tom: See, you can't prove it, so you are sexy.
  12. Cynthia:pushes him- Look at this! -gestures to her body- How can anyone love this?
  13. Tom: With ease. *pushes her against the mast and kisses her hard*
  14. Cynthia:-Kisses back-
  15. Tom: *pushes her against the railing and kisses her harder*
  16. Cynthia:-kisses back harder adding passion-
  17. Name: Ellie
    Age: 19
    Background: Toms long lost sister at sea, on a ship her and her mother were on sailing back home, invaded by pirates for loot, pirates killed mother, Ellie jumped off the ship into waters to save her life and ended up on the cave island. Can't remember her past as much, She was 9 last time Tom had seen her.
    Personality: loves night time stars, quiet unless provoked, not afraid to fight, good at making traps, hardly ever afraid, holds grudges against the pirates that killed her mother, thinks they are all the same.
    Weapons: sword loves swords