Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ImAcookie, Jun 7, 2012.

  1. I really do try and stay away from it, just every now and then they just get in the way
  2. Yeah, Jenni! 

    That, or in a bikini  lmao.

    Any picture is good. Every girl has their thing. 
  3. Time to get back on track with this thread....

  4. Such a cutie pie you're Jopo. Lol.
  5. Going against everything I believe and....
    This is my favorite pic of me cuz you can't see my face or hair. Lol
  6. You mean eyes? Because your face is clearly showing =p
  7. Yeah sure xD lol 1/4 of my face is showing and that's too much >.> lol
  8. That was like a year ago in a XV i was a Chambelan for... 
  9. Sparrow, looking Bawz!
  10. That was me a year or two ago >.> I have more recent pucs >.> lol
  11. 3 years ago 
    1/3 of my face in this one .. heh

  12. Idk if I have anything older >.> lol
  13. [​IMG]

    Awkward picture 
  14. I know I'm not the best but it doesnt matter to me
  15. [​IMG]

    My retarded face :p
  16. Morgan, You so PWEETY.
  17. Not happening neph 