Why do so many girls post cleavage pics and then get like "Omg WTF Pervert!" when someone comments about it....... I'm just saying...
My Jopo, that is the whole point!! Many girls will take the picture with cleavage for attention, then when they get it, they try to cover it up, so they don't seem so much like an attention seeker.
Actually that was a picture of my face not my breast yea it has a lil clevage in it thts gonna happen when u hav boobs
0.0 xD ____________________________________ by Chuck_Norris on Tue June 12, 2012 12:30pm I don't think I'll ever post cleavage pics anyways
No need to get butt hurt over my comment. It was not directed to you, but directed to Jopos comment. However, you're incorrect but nice try. Not that anyone needs to know but, I am a DD and I don't take cleavage pictures because I don't want more attention to myself. So your comment about that's what happens when you have boobs, no its what happens when woman feel the need to show off then be classy.
Mine was just directed toward girls in general. But most make it Obvious. I'm not complaining, just annoys when someone comments about it and they're all like "ewww perv"
did i say you didnt have boobs no i did not, all i said it that is wat happens. So before you get ass hurt thinking i was talking about you i wasnt
Clearly my point went right over your head. Never once did I say that you directed anything towards me, I was clearly stating that your comment of "that's what happens when you have boobs" is false. It is what happens when woman WANT it to happen. Anyway, didn't post to start an argument with someone. I was responding to my Jopo dear.
Just gonna add something...... I prefer pics with cleavage I dont mind that. Just the girls' attitude afterwards.. Lol.
I wasnt talking about you, umm... Sexy_lady? I didnt remember the name. Just girls in general when they do that. Cleavage, FEmale, yes.
Almost any guy would want a picture with cleavage, because it gives them a better visualize of.... You should get my point... Lol. I do not like them because I can honestly say I don't like attention, and I sure as heck don't want it from strangers and creepers, so I stay away from it.