Reality plus Internet BULLY ISSUE

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Katedizzy, May 28, 2012.

  1. If people are only going to troll this thread I would please like to ask them to leave. This thread was to promote awareness. The fact that some people are promoting the bullying itself is wrong and they should think how they would feel if someone insulted them day to day. So what, Social Darwinism, "Only the strongest survive." It did not work out for those such as Andrew Carnegie for an example. He might of ended up rich but in the process he became hated more and more by society. No one wants to be hated. By bullying people you are just bullying yourself in the process. Bullying is wrong and I am helping to stop it by telling people about it. Is that such a bad thing to do? Really? Please leave if you are only promoting hate. Hatred is not welcome in this thread.
  2. How would you stop bullying?
  3. By letting people know about it. By standing up for those who get beaten on at school like I see day to day. That's how I am helping. I'm doing something for people.
  4. I already do those things and I spread awareness to PIMD. I did something. How about you Freeze?
  5. ._. so how is posting a forum doing ANYTHING? They're still going to bully, and then if they go to the princeples office, they miss class.
  6. You are standing up for the people at your school by making a thread on PIMD? I fail to see how they coincide. You're sad.
  7. I'm not a good person. I do not help those that do not help me, with that being said, nobody that has been bullied has asked me to help. So, yeah nothing.
  8. I'm letting people know. I haven't seen any other forums put up about this issue. Have you?
  9. I stand up for them in person, Abdul. I tell the bully to STOP. Please leave my thread. I am asking for the final time.
  10. Cool~ where?
  11. In the off-topic section
  12. Yes, but what's it called?
  13. psh, like I know, I guarentee there are some. Like 4-10
  14. It's called Bullying. Page 73 Off Topic.
  15. Your issue is that when anyone disagrees, you say 'get off my thread' raaaah! Yes bullying isn't nice. How would you tell the bullies to get off pimd? By saying 'bullying isn't nice, please don't do it'? Try that one. Or by farming them off the game? See what you did there?
  16. And ps...if you invite a debate, asking everyone who disagrees with you to leave just shows that you're not very good at it 