Runaways (rp)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *_Bridget_ (01), Jun 8, 2012.

  1. Smiles- it's ok
  2. -looks up at him-

    Your right.. Will you be alright though.. Do you miss them.. They must have meant the world to you
  3. -I wrap my arms around her unnoticingly, finding comfort in her embrace-

  4. -melts in his arms, closing her eyes-

    Where will we go? I have no home to go back to either..
  5. -focuses again- driving is boring
  6. I smiles and laugh a little- would you like me to drive and you can find something fun to do?
  7. No it's fine -laughs a little-
  8. -Holds her, comforting myself and her at the same time-

    "England...It seems so nice there. Why dont you have a place to go?"
  9. Smiles and watches the window
  10. -rests her head on his chest sighing-

    I was tired of constantly getting beat, every day of my life... So I ran away.. I have no reason to ever go back
  11. "Im so sorry... I'll..."

    -I stop mid-sentence, thinking what I'm about to say-

    "I'll take care of you..."
  12. -looks up, eyes beginning to water, hugs him tighter-

    Really... I mean.. Why?
  13. -I look down at her-

    "I know I just met you and this is crazy...but I like you a lot."

    (call me maybe rip off)
  14. Smiles - raidio?
  15. Smiles and turns it on tuning for a good station-
  16. (I love that song )

    -smiles at the thought, reluctantly letting him go-

    I like you to..

    -pats her bag-

    You said you found a car?
  17. -I smile and nod-

    "Yes. It's just over here."
  18. -continues to drive-