Runaways (rp)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *_Bridget_ (01), Jun 8, 2012.

  1. I'm the jumper! :)
    *appears behind alida-
  2. -continues to watch alex- (not trying to be creepy lol)
  3. Smiles and looks at you quickly- did you want to try?
  4. No! remember the last time I tried to drive?
  5. Alida

    -turns in surprise-

    Why are you sneaking behind me

    -chuckles holding her knife-
  6. Smiles-ya we smashed your dads van -laughs
  7. Melody: *Trips and fall in the woods*
  8. We? I'm pretty sure I'm the one that crashed it. Thank you very much. But it was only my first time driving in my defense -smiles-
  9. Smiles- and it's a strait shot I think you can do it
  10. You trust me enough?
  11. Smiles- I do -I slow down then pull over-
  12. Ok if you say so -smiles-
  13. I step out and walk over opening your door-
  14. -steps out of the car- thank you -walks to the drivers side and gets in-
  15. I sit and buckle up-
  16. Ok -puts my hands on the wheel and looks at you nervously-
  17. Softy puts your hand on the shifter- put your foot on the break
  18. Kat: -knocks on Alex's window-
  19. Looks over and rolls the window-yes Kat?
  20. -puts my foot on the brake- ok now what?