the prostitute

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by lindsey1414, Jun 3, 2012.

  1. I love this!!! Maybe you can read my story ' Emotions are distracting' if you have time
  2. The bartender:
    Tallish, straight dirty blond hair, will do most things for money, slightly depressed, blue eyes, quite fair/pale/pasty skin. Likes reading and video games, can be shy sometimes around girls he dosn't know, blushes occasionally when girls are looking at him/standing near him/flirting with him. Has had quite a few akward silences, can wrestle, very built lower body but weak upper body, he can make his abs quite hard but dosn't have a six-pack. Dosn't work out. Is quite intelligent.usually prefers his own company but in a party he enjoys himself. Hasn't had much expiriences with girls, can hit people with something quite hard but can't punch well. Dosn't mind the heat. has long legs. Has a slightly raspy voice, never really cares what he looks like, has a strong back, flexible. Dosnt mind being called his name,Matthew, or mat.

    Sorry for writing so much info!
    I used myself for nearly all of the stuff
  3. Thanks! I'll get working on that, and I'll update tomorrow!
  4. I want to be a character… can you tell me which one/ones I should be?
  5. Who's katherine ???!
  6. If you read all the update's then you would know that Katherine is Hank's ex

    The only character I need now is Nicole's ex
  7. Lol bumpty bump bump  Keep going you're a fantastic writer
  8. Okay, can you tell me if I can be a female character? I don't really want to be a guy :)
  9. OMG I LOVE THIS STORY!!!! Sorry I'm a new reader, this is a spilt account. I'm Autumn/Bella(most call me Bells) and my best friend Christian, he can be Nicole's ex lol
  10. Ok can you put all the details (name, looks, personality, ect.)

    I only need this one character right now but I'll let you know if I need any girl characters.
  11. Oh sure!!! Ok
    Name: Christian(Chris) Lark
    Height: 6'3
    Occupation: highschool student/Hollister model employee
    Hair style and color: Light brown with a thick hair that sweeps to the side in the front(wears a red hat mostly)
    Color of skin: Tan and has an 8 pack(oh yes lol)
    Eyes: Bright Hazel
    Hobbies: Skateboarding and surfing
    Personality: Every girl likes him, some what conceited, very funny, charming, some what smart(not stupid), is ticklish, has tiny ears, cute laugh. He sings and dances and plays guitar....

    And I think that's itany good?
  12. Please update as soon as you can!!!
  13. Update please and when ya do wall me!
  14. ! 1!X3 7|-|!5
    (I like this)