Runaways (rp)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *_Bridget_ (01), Jun 8, 2012.

  1. Smiles and walks to the back-
  2. I shut the trunk and sigh
  3. -gets into the passenger side and closes the door-
  4. I get in the drivers seat and start the car-
  5. -looks out the window- where too?
  6. To the sun and keeping strait?-smiles
  7. -smiles back and blushes a little-
  8. Smiles softly-
  9. -looks away so you don't see me blush-
  10. I smile and put it in drive
  11. Alida

    -exploring through the woods-
  12. -taps my fingers on my leg out of boredom still looking out the window-
  13. I slowly hit the exelrater and drive toward the sun-
  14. Melody: *Keeps walking around*
  15. *jumps in!!*
  16. (not what I meant by jump in lol)

    -watches alex drive not sure what to say-
  17. *the back seat I mean
  18. Alida

    -finds a knife stuck in the tree, and begins to carve in hearts-
  19. Sighs and looks around while driving-