Runaways (rp)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *_Bridget_ (01), Jun 8, 2012.

  1. Nods and hugs-I'm here
  2. -hugs back and rests my head against your chest-
  3. Holds close-
  4. -closes my eyes-
  5. Rubs your back- it's ok
  6. -nods- I know, we should probably get going right?
  7. Ya we should
  8. -steps back- alright then
  9. Would you like to walk or car?
  10. Uhh car? I'm not sure
  11. Melody
    Depends on mood
    Lived in a bad orphanage, got beaten, so ran away.
  12. I smile- well let's pack up first
  13. Ok -starts to pack-

    (melody accepted, is that Kristen Stuart?)
  14. I take down the tent and put it in the bag
  15. ( Yep.)
  16. -takes the bag from alex and puts it in the trunk of his car along with my bag-
  17. I throw mine into it and sigh- ok so car?
  18. (poppy )


    -leaning against a tree-
  19. Melody: *Walks around shyly*
  20. Yea sure that's fine