Runaways (rp)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *_Bridget_ (01), Jun 8, 2012.

  1. -looks around, frowning slightly-

    Let's find something then
  2. Thank you for coming to get me, I don't know what I would of done if you hadn't, sorry you got punched though
  3. Smiles and lowers shirt- don't worry I would have saved you
  4. Kat: -rubs temples and closes eyes- Bridget! Alex! Focus!
  5. -smiles then turns towards kat- yes?
  6. Look at Kat-yello?
  7. Kat: -rubs temples- Guys focus. If you love someone too much you'll get distracted. Not to mention vulnerable. So you want to live? FOCUS! -rolls eyes- Where are you guys heading to?
  8. Towards the sun no where specific -
  9. Where are you going kat?
  10. Kat: Jesus Christ! Were you not listening! I said I was going to New York City!
  11. -looks at alex- you know that may not be a bad place to go
  12. But that's a ways away Kat-stands up and walks over- besides your coolant system is fried
  13. Kat: What? No it's not? I fixed that already. -waves hand- Whatever I'm going to NYC.
  14. -leans against Alex's car-
  15. Smiles and points to my car- you think that 65 camaro built it self-laughs- he Bridget remember when I stole your dads tools? -looks at Kat- trust me it's broken
  16. -laughs- yea and he was so drunk we convinced him that he had sold them
  17. Looks at Bridget- gosh that was years ago
  18. Yea it was-thinks for a moment- that was the year my brother died....-looks at the ground and bites my lip-
  19. I walk over and rub your cheek-shh it's ok
  20. -looks up at you- thanks