Runaways (rp)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *_Bridget_ (01), Jun 8, 2012.

  1. Well there is always tomorrow
  2. True but tomorrow we should be away from the road-sighs a little-
  3. -follows after him, clutching her bag, watching up at him, eyes twinkling, looks away, and clears throat-

    You want me to.. Come with you?
  4. Kat: -walks back to camp and starts fixing motorcycle-
  5. -frowns a little- so where do we go from here?
  6. -I secure my quiver and turn to face her-

    "It is entirely your choice but I would like a companion. It's a long way."
  7. Probably towards the sun rise
  8. -eyes turn sad, kicks a peddle to the side-

    I'll come..
  9. -I notice the sadness in her eyes-

    "Why the long face?"
  10. -looks into the distance-

    I just want to get going..
  11. -nods in agreement and rubs my arm with all the bruises on it which are a deep purple-
  12. Kat: -glances at Bridget and Alex- Yo lovebirds sorry to interrupt but I'm gonna leave this camp. I'm heading New York City. Where are you guys going?
  13. Sighs and softly pulls you closer-
  14. -I smile and take her hands, sprinting off into the forest-

    "Then let's go!"
  15. -gasps, and run keeping up with him, hides her smile, watching him-
  16. -looks at kat- not really sure -looks up at Alex- hows your stomach where my dad punched you? -looks concerned-
  17. -I continue running, dragging her along-

    "Well need some type of transportation."
  18. Lifts my shirt and a fist brusie- I'm sure I broke his jaw
  19. Kat: -rolls eyes- Love blinds is all...