Runaways (rp)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *_Bridget_ (01), Jun 8, 2012.

  1. (k let's keep going then)

    -slowly starts to wake up-
  2. Siting out side tent looks up at the sky-
  3. -sits up and yawns- what the -remembers where I am and relaxes-
  4. I look at the rising sun smileing a little-
  5. Saylie: -Jumps back in, swimming-
  6. -gets out of tent but stops when I see alex not wanting to disturb him-
  7. Smiles-your to late your missing the sun rise
  8. -I sit in the cave, having stayed awake all night.-
  9. Saylie: -Doing flips-
  10. -next to Sal, sleeping, mutters, and whimpers slightly at bad dreams-
  11. Kat: -laughs at Saylie- Having fun there? -smiles- I'm going back to camp. Be careful. -walks back-
  12. -smiles back- o darn -sits next to alex-
  13. -I gently shake Alida awake-

    "Time to go."
  14. Alida

    -looks up at him, rubbing her eyes-

    Go where.. Why?

  15. I softly take bridgets hand- ya to bad
  16. -I crawl out of the cave, rising to my feet-

    "New York. And then to England."