Runaways (rp)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *_Bridget_ (01), Jun 8, 2012.

  1. Jodie: no kat, let her...
  2. Saylie: -Starts crying and runs deep into the woods-
  3. -runs into the middle of everyone- HEY! Just everyone calm down!
  4. Kat: -throws gun very far- FETCH! -rolls eyes and walks away-
  5. -stands there awkwardly and looks back at alex-
  6. Softly walks up and hugs Bridget -
  7. Saylie: -Grabs the gun and keeps running-
  8. Walks away and grabs the gun...
    Jodie:saylie! I get the gun and shoot my chest!
  9. Walks away to the car...
  10. I grab some tweezers and pull out the bullet... I get a sowing kit and stitch myself up...
  11. Kat: -sits under tree sharpening knife- You guys going on a date yet?
  12. -looks up at alex and hugs him back/
  13. Saylie: -Circles back into camp-
  14. I get out the car and walks past kat, Alex and Bridget... I walk deep into the forest until i reach the lake. I sit on the bank and wash the blood of my hands
  15. It's ok -whispers softly holding Bridget-
  16. -leans my head against your chest-
  17. Saylie: -Walks into my tent and pulls a knife out-
  18. Rubs your back-
  19. Jodie: why doesn't it hurt?
    I wash my stiches and play with the grass on the bank