Runaways (rp)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *_Bridget_ (01), Jun 8, 2012.

  1. Saylie: -My eyes go normal and I see the gun pointed at me- J-Jodie..Why?..
  2. Jodie: I wasnt going to, its got no bullets... It was just a threat
  3. Kat: -shoots the gun at a tree till the bullets run out- Done.
  4. Kat: Well actually you had three
  5. Jodie: we need to help u control it,
    I get dizzy from the blood trickling down my face from the punch and I pass out
  6. Saylie: Yeah. It had no bullets. -Runs into the forest-
  7. I hear a gun jump-what was that
  8. Saylie: -Runs into Alex- Sorry!
  9. I wake up and catch up with saylie...
    Jodie: I'm sorry, I didn't know!
  10. Kat: Don't worry no body got shot... I think... ANYONE SHOT? -no answer- Okay then we're good.
  11. Looks at saylie- hey wats wrong?
  12. -stands close to alex-
  13. Jodie: saylie, I thought It was empty! U could have killed me!
  14. Saylie: -Stares at Jodie- It had bullets, and it was pointed at my head. I don't believe you for one second.
  15. Kat: -rubs temples- Jesus Christ... ENOUGH! JUST SHUT UP WITH THIS DRAMA! SHE DIDN'T SHOOT YOU!
  16. My eyes grow wide and I step back towards Bridget-
  17. Runs back and gets the gun
    Jodie: I'm gonna load this gun with 1bullet and give it to u... Shoot me!
  18. Kat: -takes the gun away- Stop it Jodie don't be stupid.
  19. Hands the gun too saylie
  20. I look at Bridget- s should I stop them?