Runaways (rp)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *_Bridget_ (01), Jun 8, 2012.

  1. So we are all runaways and ether we meet up or you can know someone. (*cough* one person *cough*)

    -----------Skeleton: -------------------
    Reason for being a runaway-
    Bridget Masters
    16 almost 17
    Caring and protective, doesn't trust easy and very sweet
    Both parents abused me
    Slim, light brown hair, blue eyes, freckles and average hight
    I have right to deny and accept applications
  2. Name:Alex
    Age: 17
    Personality: kinda a loner few friends and very sad most of the time he has trouble with meeting people and needs to get out
    Reasons to run: kicked out for being different for acting strange and weird quoincidences with him around
    Looks: 6 foot talk blue eyes blond hair. Wears manly black with a darker red cloak
  3. Takon accepted :)
  4. Lol now go get more people to join
  5. Working on it :D
  6. Ok I never done this b4 but saying as not many Ppl are doing it, hey I'll give it a go...!
  7. Saylie Walkers
    Quiet, nice pretty, smart
    Has multiple personality, so she killed multiple people
    Looks- Hold on X3
  8. Name- Jodie Simmons
    Personality- bubbly and chatty, very popular and sociable. Likes to have fun and cheer people up, can be serious when it is needed and doesn't like ignorant Ppl!she is also athletic
    Reason for being a runaway- parents died and she was forced to go into a home... She ran from the home when one of the residents tried to attack her.
    Looks- tall, skinny, wavy brown hair and blue eyes. Has almost olive coloured skin
  9. Saylie and Jodie both accepted
  10. 1 or 2 more people and we'll start, unless you guys really want to start now?
  11. I wanna start now, any one else?!?
  12. Anything is fine
  13. Yeh I don't mind if u guys are fine wiv starting wen ever xo
  14. K I'll start

    -my dad slams my room door after beating me. After packing my bag I call Alex crying-