hp next generation RP

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *LilySnape (01), Nov 20, 2011.

  1. -Passed out in eagle form-
  2. I look at the nurse- is she out?
  3. Nurse: *Nods*
    Angelina: *Opens her eyes slowly*
  4. Baskilisk watches Sam
  5. (I can't believe this is still going...)
  6. -Stays in eagle form passed out-
  7. The baskilisk watches getting hungry and saps her energy-
  8. Goes limp as all my energy is completely drained-
  9. Baskilisk leaves to eat
  10. -Unable to do anything other than breathe-
  11. I look at the nusre- tell me is she gonna be ok?!
  12. -Starts to wake up-
  13. Basilisk wanders looking for food
  14. -Wakes up fully and looks around seeing that I'm alone- Finally! -Crawls to the window-
  15. The baskilisk starts eating some other monsters outside
  16. -Transfigures into eagle and flies outside- FREEDOM!
  17. The basilisk keeps eating not knowing your flying-