Meeting Him

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by riri_, Apr 12, 2012.

  1. Sigh you always leave me feeling like there should be more but the story's good I just need more of it
  2. Lol that's what makes you to continue reading haha 
  3. -Alex's pov-

    "O hell to the no, I'm not getting on that" I spoke as I shook my head "never going to happen."

    Simon moved towards the motorbike and took out a helmet "you coming or not? Cause I want to go sleep" Simon yawned as he sat on his ride.

    "B....but what if I fall off and break my neck or something?" I asked as shivers ran through my spine. I'm not going to do it. Too dangerous for me. I looked back at Simon. Uhh his so handsome 

    "I won't let that happen..... I promise" he smirked as he placed his hand on the seat indicating me to come sit. "But" I questioned as I stared into his eyes. "no buts, come on now wouldn't your mum be scared by now?"

    my m..mum oh no, what am I going to do??? WHAT AM I GOING TO DO??????? "o...okay but you have to ride it slow okay" I said as I sat behind Simon and placed my arms around his chest.

    "Wear this" he said and gave me the helmet. "What about you? It's dangerous Simon" I said as he started the engine "it's okay i'v ridden this without a helmet many times"  oh my gosh, this guy is evil and dangerous.

    "Are you ready?" Simon asked, well I think I am "y..y..yeah, remember
    S-L-O-W slow okay?" I said as I nodded.

    "whatever was what escaped from his lips, oh no SIMOOOON!!!!!!
  4. update!!!!!!  she better not fall off!!!!!

  5. Bump!!! Hold tight Alex. And remember, don't fall off!
  6. Bump!! Haha you should make her fall and then he saves her lol
  7. Lol Alex your such a baby!Bump
  8.  Nice update. Fix some grammar stuff.

  9. I'll read some of the rest later
  10.  thanks everyone I'll upload later it's my lil brothers birthday 
  11. -Simons pov-

    Hahahahah she's so cute, Alex tightens her hands around me as I speed up "ay where do you live?" I asked as I slow down towards the intersect as it changes from orange to red.

    "s...Simon what happened to not speeding?" she cried. That wasn't even that fast, this chic gets scared to quick.

    "What you talkin' about, Alex?" I smirked "what am I talking about? WHAT AM I TALKING ABOUT? DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE SPEED LIMIT IS ? ITS LIKE 40 AND YOUR GOING 1000000" she screamed as started punching my back as hard as she could, heh this woman is also weak.

    "Hold on" I said as the lights turned green, "wh.... waaaah" she yelled and grabbed me again.... I feel like a pervert for some reason hahaha, yes Alex hold me uh, shivers ran down my spine, now I feel like a pedophile.

    "Alex where do you live" I asked again while turning into a random street "uhh I.....I don't know "she cried  "how can you not know where you live? Are you an idiot?" I smirked.

    "I... I don't go out much, just too go shopping and school, my mum or Sandra usually takes me" she whined as I parked the bike at a random drive way.

    "so how am I going to take you home?" I asked and an idea hit my mind "you wanna go to a hotel" I smirked and turned around to see her facial expression.

    It was epic, her eyes had widened and her jaw was hanging ahahaha I can't take it. She's too innocent. "I'm joking ahahaha, you should have seen your face ahahaha"

    "s...stop laughing"she stuttered as she punched my arm "how am I going to get home?" she asked.

    "Call your mum and ask her where your house is at" I said whilst grabbing Alex's hands. "oh ye....uhh I don't have a cell phone"  Say what? No mobile? Does this girl live under a rock?

    "okay do you know your house number?" I asked and Alex nodded " here's my cellphone, call your house and ask your mum where you live okay?" I said while taking out my mobile and giving it too her, her face lightened up with her dimples showing completely,

    She got off and walked towards a orange tree, and dialed the numbers in.

    -5 minutes later-

    "I live at 85 Ven st, Nelsonpark" she cheered whilst jumping up and down "oh, that's not that far from here, okay get on" I said as I sat on and Alex sat behind me "Drive carefully waaaaaaah" Alex cried haha.
  12.  update!!!!!!!!!

  13.  Awe <3

  14. She doesn't know where she livesWhat kind of idiot is she.Bump
  15. She is an idiot. She keeps crying a baby.