Oh hot damn!!!! Chizznit. Will Adam and Alex get into a fist fight? Or an arguement? :3 Dun Dun Dun. Blump.
"I've come to take Arianna home," said Adam. His face was serious and he looked angry. "She's already home," said Alex as he glared at Adam. He pulled me closer and put his arm around my waist. "She's mine." "Screw off!" shouted Adam and he pulled my arm. "Arianna..." "Adam..." I whispered, tears forming in my eyes. "Adam... Take me home," I said quietly. "Please... take Sarah and I home!" "As you wish." "No! I forbid it! I will have the police arrest you! Don't let him fool you Arianna! He's a bad man! Nothing will come of this! You and your sister are in danger!" "Shut up! Adam isn't a bad man! He's a good man who took my sister and I in when my parents disappeared. Not once in the time we lived with him was he cruel! He cared for us! He's a good man, so just shut up!" "Bastard! What have you done to her?!" shouted Alex and he threw a punch at Adam. Adam fell backwards. "Nothing... I cared for her..." "What kind of care was it? You disgusting..." "Alex stop!" I shouted. "Stay out of this Arianna!" he shouted ad he pushed me aside. He walked towards Alex and grabbed his arm. "Don't!" I shouted and I grabbed Alex's arm. "Don't hurt him!" "Idiot! You don't know what he's done to you! You changed! Obviously he's done something to you, so I'm giving him what he deserves." "Please..." "Get off me!" he shouted and he tore his arm from my grip. He foreground shoved me aside so I fell to the ground roughly. "Ouch..." "Don't you dare treat her like that!" shouted Adam and he stood up and this time he threw the punch. Alex stumbled backwards before running back at Adam and shoving him. Adam blocked and pinned him against the wall. "Stop!" I shouted. Alex kneed Adam in the gut and Adam put a hand to where the pain was before he kicked Adam in leg and punching his face. Before Alex could retaliate I grabbed his arm once more. "Alex please stop!" I begged. "Just let me leave with him." "Bitch! Get off!" she shouted and once again shoved me roughly. I lost balance and stumbled backwards. "Arianna!" shouted Adam and he started running to me rather quickly. For a second I didn't understand why, until I felt myself reach the edge of the basement stairs. I began to fall backwards when Adam outstretched his hand to me. I did the same but we missed. Horror struck me as I fell down the staircase. I hit my head twice and felt a pain in my right leg. "Arianna!" shouted Adam and he ran down the stairs. I hoisted myself up, leaning onto my arm, not kneeling, but not sitting either. I suddenly felt a strange feeling in my stomach. I felt something warm touch my legs. Somehow I knew what was wrong... It only took one look to know... Nervously I looked to where my legs were to see a pool of blood surrounding my waist and lower. Alex's eyes widened. "Arianna were you..." he began. "Arianna! You..." began Adam as he stared at the blood in horror. "Adam... the baby..."
Zomg! The bb! What's gonna happen now? Oh yeah.. You made a mistake. I believe it was supposed to be a he* not a she, when Alex pushes Arianna. He says "[insert asterisks]!" "Get off!"....you know the words. :3 lol just pointing it out. But mistakes happen. Blump.
Ahhh!! Well I'm sort of happy that the baby is gone, much less stress to arianna and Adams relationship... Screw Alex!! I hope he is haunted by the guilt that he killed his own child!!! Argghhh great story. I. Love. It.