Don't understand why these threads have to be made. Trying to get others involved. Let me walk away before I am farmed for voicing my opinion. (not that I care.. I like spanks )
Demon in case you didn't know....I AM NOTTT A MEMBER OF DRM!!!!! Therefore, I'm siding only with the truth. Now here is my opinionthis thread was made for attention and to see who hopes onto your bandwagon. Since you say you left Mag's club at the time of the war, the question now is did you do a hit and run? All in all I guess you learned a lesson...Don't mess with Cujo lol Has anyone ever seen that movie Cujo?
I say let the thread die because making a thread is just another way to have others join you...we are adults here (well some of us are) and if you cant work things out between two people and come to terms but crying about it really isn't going to help the drama at hand any better then it is ,...then that's saying a lot about that person. Not picking sides so don't get it twisted just placing another thought at hand
Demon what you said was DRM stop siding each other. Only one person from DRM posted besides Cujo. So I wanted to be sure you didn't get it twisted and assume I was a representative from DRM. Furthermore, I'm not preaching. I'm giving my perspective.
yes I'm drm. I didn't side with cujo I just asked why he bailed his fearless leader in a farm war. Miss Simp the voice of reason as always.
Demon, You joined a club called Hardcore Farmers of DRM whose stated goal was to destroy DRM. Then you whine about getting farmed. I'm sure it's me not you, because admittedly, I'm easily confused, but what are you smoking? And would you please send some my way?