Mag u r a good person.. Dont leave this game.. Nothing in this game should affect our real life.. Maggie even u should not quit.. Please just enjoy this game and dont bother about anyone... RESPECT
If you are really leaving, i would like to thank you of what i am Right now when my other acct A-K-U-D-O-U 102kcs at that time was farmed by you and your club members in nov'2011! And through all that i have made special friends along the way which supported me to never fear someone your size. If you do come back on, just give me a holla or maybe you can farm me as your trademark! CHEERS!
Its the truth! Farming me just because i came to TERROR and wish Prince_Keiii happy birthdah and fell asleep there over night! Thats what made me turn to terror and when mag put a cf on terror, i was heartbroken
NOOOOOO. Mag can't quit what would we do without his daily pervy drama and nonsense talks in wc. All his empty threats and saving pimd for "cyber bullies" my action hero lah lah lah dun lah make lah mag lah sad lah or lah his lawyers lah will lah farm lah you lah
Lesson of the Day: Only quitters waste money on a game, then quit. I am so bored. Watching Whale Wars.
Goodbye mag. Thanks to your leaving I now have a better chance of succeeding in getting to the top ten(well... Not really but w/e) Keep living life the way you want~ (^_−)− ☆彡Katedizzy
Mag and Maggie I hate to see y'all go. But I do wish y'all all the best out there in rl. And for all the haters on here get a life. He's quitting so leave him alone already. Your wasting your time. Love you Mag and Maggie. Live a happy life you two.