Ꮜnderland --- Prologue -- -- A slender gloved hand reached out to the table, taking the wine glass filled with champagne. The hand was withdrawn, a delicate sip of the liquid following after. The red haired Queen sat leisurely on her ruby encrusted throne, looking at her royal subjects with malice. Oh, this would be fun. "Bring Alice in, my dear Hatter." "Yes, milady." A thin man, who looked as frail as a sheet of paper, stood up and took the Queen's hand, giving it a gentle kiss before pulling back and looking at her with cold, expressionless eyes. The red haired maiden merely chuckled and threw the glass at his feet, licking her lips as the red liquid spilled onto the floor and soaked his brand new shoes. Seething with silent rage, the Hatter looked back up and smiled sweetly; tormenting himself to not scream in pure frustration. The thin red lips of hers began to tug upwards. It was never a good sign. "Did you hear me, Hatter? I said, bring, Alice, in!" The ginger haired man gave a sad sigh before his hand instinctively went to bury itself in its nest as he began to mentally sing a song of sorrow. How he missed his Alice dearest. -- "Alice, dear." A calm voice rang from the doorway as a thin silhouette of a woman began to move forward from the view of her mirror. Alice turned around sharply, her blue eyes piercing into emerald green ones. The brown haired maid who held freshly washed clothes gave an impatient sigh before dumping the load onto her recently made bed, picking out a stylish dress before walking over to her. "What is it, Madeline?" A scowl had formed on Alice's face. Grimacing, Madeline the maid put a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to ease the stress that was being forced onto Alice dearest. "Smile. Today's your enga—" "That's just it! I don't want to be engaged! I have a whole life ahead of myself, Madeline. I'll marry when I'm ready. But this is complete blasphemy! How dare my father marry me off to someone who's possibly ten years older than I am! He might be a stout, perverted man, whose intelligence is lower than—" "Calm down, Alice. Your father loves you. He'd never do that." "... And you say it as if you knew my father so well. Please, Madeline. He'd do anything for his company." Madeline stayed silence. And no, it wasn't the fact that she knew Alice was right about the company. Madeline was her father's mistress for 4 years. -- "Fountains of red began to flow, crimson blood tainting the sheets of satin white— The savior of Wonderland then dealt the final blow, landing back and savouring the taste of the Jabberwock's bite." -- Chapter 1, Beautiful Pieces -- Alice's hand rested on the bed, breathing heavily. Why did the corset have to be so tight? "Alice dear, please don't touch those beautiful accessories." Glancing at her raven dark tresses, she saw that her hand was itching to remove the ribbons that were tied into her hair. They were laced, like her dress. The rim of the gown was black, that fitted with the midnight blue fabric that latched onto her delicate ivory colored skin. She was absolutely beautiful... If Hatter saw her now, he'd faint from exhilaration. How would he not faint? Afterall, this was his dress. Seeing Alice in it only excited him even more. He considered it his territory... and when the subject turns into Alice, his overprotectiveness tends to get the better of him. Oliver and Cheshire would just chastise the poor Hatter for being an inconsiderate pervert. But inside, it was a fact that her long and smooth legs drew them to her like bees to honey. "I can't help it... I feel so... mannequin-like." "Yes, dear. I know." Alice's mother walked over to her daughter, fixing the bouncing curls that were let loose. "... Mother, who's my fiancé?" "It's a surprise... After all, I prefer to be mysterious." Alice gave an impatient smack of her lips, and received a disapproving glare from her mother. "That's a horrid habit, Alice dear." "I know." -- The Hatter glared at his watch. The ticking of the clock was methodical; driving him insane. Hell, he already was insane. Waiting was never something he liked to do. Eons had been wasted thinking about his dear Alice's beautiful cordate face. And the dress... oh, the dress. The first gift the Hatter had gave her, was a dress. Frothy white with such delicate lacing, so delicate, in fact, only Hatter could pull it off. The careful design, the cautious stitching... It had been centuries since Hatter had created such fine gowns for His Lady to wear. Alice was an angel. A holy, graceful angel, who blessed his existence the moment their fingers touched. A beautiful angel, whose very image haunted his dreams and made his nightmares seem almost heavenly. It was that very girl, who had kissed him farewell, that made him lust after her for decades after decades, yearning for her return. And it had been moments since the Queen of the Red Court had begged for the final duel that would settle who was fit for the royal throne. And moments it had been, since Hatter had witnissed a flash of anger and jealousy on the Queen's face. And jealousy, my dear Hatter, is a very very vulnerable thing... Vulnerable enough that you can manipulate it with sweet, sweet lies. For all her delusions of grandeur, the Queen was a mere puppet in the game only God knows and plays, and she was just the sacrificial piece for a checkmate. And who better a player than the Hatted King of Deceit? -- The steps that lead to the ballroom were made of marble, an immediate sign that her family was filthy rich. What would you expect? An austere man by the name of Fredrick Liddell had the highest expectations for his family. "Watch your step!" A sudden halt at the end of the staircase was what brought Fredrick's and his guests' attention. The ballroom was decorated with expensive ornaments, typically colored white and gold. In only a few hours will Alice switch from a single status to a marital one. And unlike other brides, Alice wasn't honored to be married to a gold digging pig. "Aha! My daughter! See, Benjamin? Only the finest for your son." Fredrick Liddell was a few feets away from his daughter. Insulted, Alice flinched. It was unbelievable how his father spoke of her to another person as if she was some shameless prostitute! "Hmm... Quite." "Daughter! Come here, dearest Alice." Her father's right arm held her in a deathlock. In that hand was a glass, filled with only the finest wine... And that meant that her father 'dearest', was drunk. "She seems very... fragile." "Didn't you want a porcelain-like bride for your son, Benjamin?" "I'll let my son decide." Alice's eyes averted from the stern, scowling man who her father called Benjamin. At his left was a boy with golden locks of hair, and midnight blue eyes. The exact hue of blue of Alice's dress... "She's beautiful." The old scrooge looked taken aback. As for Fredrick, he only smiled. Yes, this was a perfect suitor for his daughter. A blush escaped to Alice's cheeks, making her ivory colored skin a bit pink. "I... I need some air." "Go ahead, Alice. Although, I expect you to be back before the ceremony." Alice Liddell nodded. However, they didn't know that she would not be coming back. -- Screw it. I couldn't help writing. My hands itch for some writing release. Maybe it'll be just a oneshot. I don't want to rip my own hair off just by looking at FF. .-.
Do you consider it pedophilia, if Alice stole his heart at the early age of 11? .-. Mind you, Hatter's a psychopath. :3 He's forever remain 21 like I want him to be... ,_,
And a single year for Alice is like a decade in Wonderland. .-. So... I'd say that Alice would be 16. Those eons and all that were just exaggerating words thrown in to emphasize his impatience. :3
Wonderfulpicture-perfect scenes captured in wonderful and detailed writing. Yes, this fanfic is wonderful and perfect. Bump!!!
Chloe-sama! I really should stop imagining Hatter as Johnny Depp. Pedo-ish. I like, yes, I like very much. Update! :3
Thank you all. XD I was going to say imagine Hatter as Johnny Depp... .-. It makes Hatter seem sexy as hell. .-.
--- Chapter 2, Race to His Queen -- "What fine tea this is! You've outdone yourself this time, Hatter~" The dormouse chippered with delight as she drank a cup of Hatter's tea. The liquid tasted bittersweet; just like he wanted it to be. Although the taste was pleasant, the dormouse decided to add in a few more lumps of sugar and milk. "Thank you, dormouse." The guests of the tea party were indulging themselves in fine gossip. Hatter, however, had other plans. Out of the corner of his eyes, he could see Oliver leaning out of his chair, ready to hop over to the Mainland and greet Alice with open arms. Sneaking a glance at Marchie, who was visibly shaking after drinking a gallon of black tea, Hatter picked up the priceless teapot and threw it at the poor hare. Jumping out of his seat, the March Hare screamed and ran over to the Duchess who enveloped him with open arms, confused and shocked. The porcelain shattered with the scalding liquid burning a bit of Cheshire's tail. Chaos erupted, just like the devious Hatter planned. Not caring about his hectic party, Hatter ran after Oliver who had already cleared through the forest. The race was on. -- The labyrinth was Alice's favorite place in the ridiculously large garden of hers. White roses splattered with red paint created a road for her to walk through, one that lead to confusion as well as a time-wasting entertainment. As Alice walked into the never ending maze, a glimpse of white fur caught her attention. Rabbits? In her garden? That wa— Rabbits with vests? Alice rubbed her eyes. And what she saw was a white rabbit, standing in front of her, suited formally. Gasping from surprise, Alice fell backwards, scrutinizing the rabbit before standing up. It was equipped with a vest, a monocle, and a bowtie. A God forsaken bowtie. The girl took a step forward, doubting her sanity. Just as she was a feet away from the strange creature, the rabbit zipped away. "Wait up!" Running through the labrynith with all the energy she had, Alice stopped at a dead end. "Damn!" she cursed. She swore she saw the rabbit here. "My my, I never took you for one that cussed, Allison." A slim figure walked through the bushes, his hat tipped. His fingerless gloves were a mauve color, and his hair was orange! the devious smile that played on his lips frightened Alice. The tension built as the pale man licked his lips, faking a sad tone. "How disappointing, Alice. Forgot me already?" How could she forget if she never knew him to begin with? "Who are you? How do you know my name?" How absurd it may seem, he looked harmless. Oh how wrong she was. This man in front of her was capable of many many things, all of which were cruel and unusual. "Mad Hatter... I know everything about you, Allison Liddell." The Hatter's smile was tugged upwards, if that was even possible. His smile was almost as wide as the Cheshire Cat's! Taking off his hat, his emerald green eyes were revealed. Refined cheekbones were revealed, and he looked perfect, amidst the psychopathic air that surrounded him. Revealing himself made her take back what she said about him being harmless. He was dangerous... Very very dangerous. "What are you doing here...?" "Ah ah ah! So many questions, Alice. Be patient... But if you must now, I came here for you!" He cooed. The Hatter was such a mysterious man, unsolvable, really. Alice took two uncertain steps back. "Stay back!" "Oh, but don't you want to know where my friend is?" Dumbfounded, she asked, "Who?" The Hatter only gave a chuckle before staring through her. "Wouldn't you want to know?" he asked, his tone full of malice and mischief. Alice blushed a deep red. "I'm talking about the rabbit you were trying to find, Alice dear~" "Where is he?" "Down here." The man whose clothing tastes were outrageous hopped over to the dead tree and removed a secret lid over a tunnel that looked like a dark abyss. "A-ah—" She could've turned back, sure, she would've been a fool if she didn't. But Alice Liddell was the biggest fool there was... And the smartest one at that. "Afraid?" Alice nodded, speechless. There were so many secrets this man knew, was it possible to even trust him? "Take my hand." This was one of the toughest decisions she ever made. Take his hand, and maybe get stuck in a dark pit with a possible serial rapist/killer, Or turn back and suffer a loveless marriage all for the sake of money and become a a housewife stripped of freedom and the chance of being a woman. She chose the former. -- 'And thus began her journey, with chaos awaiting in the land of corruption; the irony of how she expected Wonderland to be filled with joyous applause and divine perfection—' -- -- :3 Sorry if it sounds sort of crappy. Wasn't really in a writing mood today. :/ I'll try to make it seem interesting the next update and not rush things. x3 Because I know this seems a little strung together, as if I was desperate to entertain y'all. .-. Oh well. Thanks for the reads, guys! ARIGATO! -- P.S. The duchess is supposed to be pretty in this parody of mine. Not ugly. .-. P.S.S. Yes. I named the White Rabbit 'Oliver'. WATTCHA GONNA DO ABOUT IT? D:< --