Mubiüs High School

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *ANIME-QUEEN (01), Jun 1, 2012.

  1. Chapter 1~ The New Boys in Town
    Amelia was a 16 year old girl living with her sister/best friend ever Delilah.
    Amelia and Delilah are those girls who are not afraid to stand up for them selves, but maybe to shy to talk to that special guy they like lol. Our story begins on a nice Saturday morning...

    Amelia's POV

    I felt a tug on my shoulder over and over again in the morning "AMELIA! AMELIA!! AMELIA! GET! UP!! Some boys are moving in next door come on get up!!!!!!" new neighbors? Great, probably more varsity jocks like last time. I got up and shrugged my self to the window. I woke up immediately when I saw them. OMG SO ADORABLE! I got dressed and ran downstairs to meet them as fast as I could, dragging Delilah with me of course.
  2. I knocked not they're door and froze. Omfg..... I almost melted at the sight of him. His perfect black hair and milk chocolate brown eyes. But that's not why I almost melted, apparently he was changing clothes so all I saw was him in his black jeans but he looked so perfect! Strong arms and his amazingly toned 6 pack. It was hard but I shook away the feeling.

    "hello?" he answered with a beautiful voice.
    "uh hey. We noticed u guys moving in. We live next door." I looked over at Delilah. I could tell she was gonna melt soon. She was staring at a light blonde boy standing behind him. They seemed the same age.
    "oh cool. I'm Shaun and this is my bro Miles" yep. They are soooo the same age. They look so alike but they're so different.
    "I'm Amelia and this is my sis Delilah."
    "cool. I guess we'll see u girls around school then?" they flashed us amazingly cute smiles
    "yeah. See u later..."
    We both broke down into endless giggling and teasing right when we got inside.
    "OMG DID U SEE SHAUN!?!? HE IS LIKE SOOOO H-O-T- HOT!!!!" we got into this big fight over who was cuter then who. We passed out on the floor before we could even finish our arguing.
  3. Delilah and I woke up on the floor at around 5:30. For some reason I just couldn't wait for school tomorrow! Was it Shaun? Or it being Sunday meaning tomorrow is the first day of school? Nah no way. Oh yeah! Duh! The skateboarding competition is today! I ran upstairs and threw on my black skinny jeans, my red shirt with black tiger stripes, and my red knee high converse that I drew paint splatter all over. But I still looked epic
    I ran back downstairs only to find Delilah asleep again -_- I yelled bye and grabbed my skateboard literally jumping out the door.
    ----------After the Competition---------
    Shaun's POV

    I was in complete shock when it was over. Amelia was "The Rose Skater"! (her stage name for skateboarding) she was AMAZING! When it was over I couldn't really find Miles, until I found him with Delilah. Awwwwww, he soooo loves her. I turned away to go see Amelia.
    "Amelia! U were really good. Great job!"
    "Shaun? Hey! Yeah thanks."
    She started blushing. Wow she was kinda... Adorable when she blushed... WOAH! Dude get a hold of your self!
    "sooo Shaun I was wondering if maybe u an Miles wanted to come over tonight? For some movies?"
    I froze... I must be crazy but did she just ask me out?! (Even though miles will be there)
    "Yeah we'd love to come!"
    I shouted a little bit. Gosh I must have sounded like a total dork. But I didn't have time to fix my unmanly shout before her and Delilah walked away.
  4. And using emoticons and emoji in your story... is just... Flavorless.

    And bumping on the first page? REALLY?

    Nobody ever fucking pays attention.
  5. It's my story I can use emoticons and emoji if a want to!
  6. Seriously?

    That's one of the most immature responses I've ever heard in my life. It's called criticism for a reason.

    Use WORDS to describe a person's feelings. Emoji just proves that one's vocabulary is limited. =_=

    Sigh. What's FF coming to? .-.
  7. And before you tell me I'm a horrible and mean person, that was not to be taken offensively.

    That is all.
  8. Shaun's POV

    It was 6:00 and I was DYING to go see Amelia. I know Miles felt the same way about Delilah, he was actually drawing her name on his pillow.... Weird. I couldn't help it I ran out the door and across the front yard to Amelia's. The door was already opened, I could see them inside making popcorn and picking movies to watch, laying out blankets on the floor. Amelia wasn't paying attention at all. I snuck up on her and hugged her tightly from behind making her jump. Mmmm she felt so warm. But it was only seconds until she pushed me away. "Shaun! Wtf!? U should know not to sneak up on girls like that!" her cheeks turned a bright shade of crimson "Especially when that girl is thinking about the boy she likes" Delilah added to her sentence giggling. Before I knew it they were arguing with each other over some guys. At least my brother finally showed up after I listened to 25 minutes of girl talk.
    "Miles! Where have u been?! U need to get over there and pull Delilah away from her before I die of hearing they're girl talk" I pointed over to Delilah and Amelia. He did better then I thought he would, he walked over to Delilah an picked her up carrying her over to the blankets and setting her down sitting with her. Amelia had already walked over and sat down on the couch waiting. I made my choice, Miles said he would tell Delilah, and I'm gonna tell Amelia about my feelings for her......
  9. e.e Miles will always have issues.
    As my lovely said already, don't use emojis and spell the words out. E.E don't use 'lol' or 'omg'.

    D: Overall it's a good story, just don't do that stuff. ;P
  10. ROAR!!!!!!!!!!! Update on the sheriff and Ms. Seduire!
  11. e.e If I'm not dead.
  12. Update pls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pls Kira!!!!!!
  13. In your title:
  14. Don't make me have u end up with sonic in the story cuz I will! Update!
  16. Then update the sheriff story or I'll put u with sonic :mad: