The Sheriff and Ms. Seduire.

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *UltraViolet_ (01), May 26, 2012.

  1. Chapter three, Part Two~

    Scarlett Seduire's POV~

    I woke up in another cell, and grunted. I had been changed too.
    My hair was in a high ponytail, and I was wearing a dress. I guess I have to go see someone important.

    I glanced over at the Sheriff's desk, seeing my gun and holster.
    I growled, knocking on the gates to wake that son of a yellow-belly up!

    The small kid rubbed his eyes and looked at me.
    "Nice to finally see you awake, Ms. Seduire!"

    "Oh shut up. What is this whack?" I asked, pointing to the dress and my face.

    "Why don't you go take a look, Miss? You look quite lovely~" he chirped, pointing to a restroom room with a mirror.
    I looked in the mirror and saw the once polite side of me. The horror within.

    I was once a nice girl, but one silly mistake messed up my whole life.

    If only I could get a second chance.
  2. I'll update later today. >_>
  3. Chapter Four, The Past of Scarlett Seduire.
    Scarlett's POV~
    I stare into the mirror, and everything flooded my mind.
    I am Madison Secreats then.
    It was a cool day in the dusty old town of Marilyn Waters.
    Everyone was happy, including me.
    My blonde hair was in its ponytail, and I was singing merrily. My pale face wasn't decorated like my Maw's was.

    My dress was a pretty shade of light blue, much like turquoise. I'm ten again.

    Everyone is having fun until something bad happened.
    I felt arm get grabbed, and tugged and my head bonked.

    It didn't take me much time to wake up, and to feel a horrible throbbing pain in my back.

    I felt something stabbing me, repeatedly in a pattern.
    Not like a zig zag, not a straight line.
    The man had tied me to a wooden chair.

    Now the pattern was being colored, much like the pictures that Maw hung in our house.

    I screeched like a bat, and he hushed me.
    "Hush lovely, I'm almost done."

    When the pain subsided, I stood up and wiped my tears.
    My hair had tumbled out of its ponytail.
    I had been changed.
    I lifted my shirt in the back to see what this was all worth.
    It was a butterfly.

    The man smiled at his handiwork.
    "Art, ain't it?"
    "I-It hurts!" I cried, letting my shirt cover my back again.
    "Hush darling. Do you know who I am?"
    I shook my head, rubbing my eyes.
    "I am the outlaw of the town, and I won't be up much longer before I get shot to the ground." he said, taking my shoulders."You will be my legacy, the new Scarlett Seduire. Scarlett Rouge Seduire."
    I shook my head. "But what do I do?"
    "Become like me."
    "What is like you?"
    "To take the prettiest jewels, to kill the people you've hated."
    I nodded my head, everything making sense.
    "Will you do that for me?"
    "Yes Mr."
    "Just call me Nazo."
    "Yes Mr. Nazo."
    "Good girl-" and I heard a bullet fly through the wall.
    He froze in his words, blood dripping out of his mouth.
    "Just like you..." I said, my eyes widening at the sheriff that shot him.

    Nazo pulled his gun out, shooting him in the chest and he shoved the gun to me.
    "Do your duty, Scarlett..."
    He dropped dead.

    I ran out of the house, sticking the gun in my belt, I hurried, hoisting myself on a horse and ridding it.
    "C'mon now!" I yelled, getting the horse going.

    ...I am now the outlaw, Scarlett Seduire.

    If you believe miracles happen, can you please pray for my friend Scarlett?
    She was admitted to the hospital because her blood pressure was out of control, and I couldn't bear hear about her death, only being 11.
    She has diabetes, and I don't want to lose a good friend.
    Please pray for the girl, it would make me feel so much better. :) Thank you.
  4. Chapter Four, Part two~

    Scarlett's POV~

    "Order in my head office!" he barked. The sheriff took his place by me to make sure I wouldn't go around stabbing people maliciously. As if.

    Everyone hushed at the sound of his voice, and he began to speak at his small desk.

    "Now Ms.Seduire, where have you been for the past seventeen years?"

    I coughed.
    "Running away from lowlife jerks like yourself."

    I heard a couple of whispers.
    "Who does she think she is?"
    "Is she talking about herself when she says lowlife?"

    The mayor laughed in my face, my cuffed hands itching to rip it apart.
    "Lowlife? You're the one stealing jewels and killing innocents. And me, a lowlife jerk? You must be speaking about yourself, Seduire."

    I scoffed in his face.
    "Listen to me, Mayor. There ain't anyone I trust with my work, you understand me? And when I say lowlife, meaning you bring in the whole damn town for one person's punishment. Ain't that a bit stupid, Mayor?"

    His face was an ugly shade of crimson and maroon.
    "No, it's so they can see what happens to those who don't know how the law works, and how they pay for it!"

    I laughed.
    "Someone is a little too cocky, now ain't they? Hey Sheriff, make yourself useful and unlock me so I can make myself clear to this room and this bitch."

    Shadow turned bright red, nodding, and unlocking me. The cuffs fell to the floor.

    The mayor barked,"What are you doing?!"

    I stood up and began to speak.
    "Now before I begin, I can hear all of you from my chair right there." I said,pointing to my seat.

    "And every itsy bitsy comment you make, I HEAR." I growled, staring the room down.

    The room was dead silent.

    "Now, my problem is, you don't understand the job of this outlaw," I said, pointing to myself. "I'm a bit different. Seventeen years ago,my uncle Nazo was shot by your sheriff, the one before Mr. Hedges, Mayor." I said, spinning on my heels.

    "I ran away to fulfill his legacy as an outlaw. At age ten. To be a jewel thief, to kill those I wanted revenge on. Oh so badly it strikes me NOT TO PULL OUT A PISTOL AND PUT IT THROUGH YOUR BRAIN." I said, slamming my fists down on the mayor's desk.
    He gawked at my words, Shadow was stunned and Miles was off in space.
    The audience gave me a look in disgust.

    "But yet, I haven't. Do you know why? DOES ANYONE KNOW WHY?" I asked, pulling a gun out of my shoe and pointing up.
    Everyone gasped.
    Shadow smirked, tilting his hat down.

    The silence began again. I shot the ceiling.
    REASONS. REASONS YOU DIDN'T LISTEN TO." I said, swinging my arm down and west, shooting the mayor in the head.

    People screamed, some clung to each other.
    I was feared again.
  6. Buuuuuuuuuuump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Chapter Five, Run Away~

    Scarlett POV~

    After I shot him in the head, I started to run.
    I bursted through the doors of the head office, running into the dirt. I didn't have much time before the people that protected the mayor were
    Gonna come and shoot me.

    I climbed onto a horse swiftly and began to ride, I heard another two horses and voices.

    "Scarlett! Wait!"


    I glanced back and kept riding.

    "Please Scarlett, wait!"
    "No! I can't! I have to run!"

    "No...I meant...can we come with you?" asked Shadow, lifting his hat a bit.
    Miles was weird, putting his hat on his horse.
    I sighed, still in that horrifying dress. Who dressed me anyway? But that doesn't matter-
    "N-No! I don't want anyone to get hurt, physically or mentally." I said, riding off on my horse again.
    I heard another horse behind me, it being only one.

    "Hey partner." he said, slapping my back.
    I turned around.
    He smirked, hopping off his horse, and holding his arms out.
    "What?" I asked, looking down and blinking. The horse stopped moving.
    "Jump into my arms." he said.
    "Whaa? Why?"

    "Because I wanna show you somethin."
    "Alrighty then~" I said, jumping into his arms.
    His grip had me so I was looking into his eyes.
    He let me slide to the ground, my boots touching dirt.
    We were still looking in eachother's eyes until I leaned up, kissing his lips softly.
    Stunned, he kissed back.
    I pulled away gently.
    He coughed.

    "...So, what did you do with Miles?"
  8. Here's my new account lovelies. :3
  9. Chapter five part two, the final update~

    "I sent him back home." Shadow coughed, lifting Scarlett back on the horse.
    She smirked as he was tempted to look under.
    She rode on her horse with Shadow for days and days, and then there was a day when they both became the most Dangerous outlaws of the west.

    Miles was older now and he had an apprentice. He was the new sheriff in town.

    The mayor has been dead thirteen years now, the new Mayor is Mr.Enchino.
  10. Interesting story line 
  11. I have to admit, my last update sucked.