-Simons pov- "HEY!!!! that's not nice, I'm not dumb nor a idiot, I'm actually really smart" Alex giggled as she began to blush..... hard. "Be right back, let me just go lock up the locker rooms and I'll take you home" I said as I turned around and began to jog. "SIMON!!!! WAIT" I heard Alex screaming behind me, I looked behind and saw her running towards me, she place's her fingers on my sholders "huuu haaa" she panted "it's dark" dark my ass "Alex look" I pointed to the sun " not that dark" I stated. "Bu...but there is no one around, and it's getting late....ca...can I come with you" she pouted with her puppy dog eyes. "Sure, why not, but be in your best behavior okay, my manager is still here" I asked her as I grabbed her wrist and began jogging "waaaah, your running to fast Simon" she panted with her spare arm on top of her boo.... heart, yeah her heart. I slowed down as I got close to the locker rooms and let go of Alex's wrist, she fell to the sand and began to pant, well she's unfit. "Wait right here okay" I said as I went and locked the room and headed straight back to Alex and found her talking to my manager.... MY MANAGER. "No it's Alex, my name is not Jasmine" I heard her arguing with my manager "are you sure? you look like my last wife" Whaaat his drunk, bloody idiot. "W..W....Wi.....Wife I'm sixteen " Alex cried as she looked towards me ahahahahahahaha I just can't get enough of this. "I....I...I have to go bye" alex said and ran straight towards me "that was so scary" she cried as she looked down, this girl cries too much "Alex dont cry" I said trying to force a worried expression as I placed my thumb under her chin and raised it. "hahahahah you fell for my trick " she giggled as she grabbed my arm and started walking towards the car parks "let's go." hope you liked it
-Alex's pov- "let's go" I cheered as I began walking towards the car park "okay which one is yours" I said as I stood in front of a small red car, I don't understand all these car things, like whats the difference? Who cares if one is faster then there other. "Okay close your eyes Alex" Simon asked as he smirked "why?" I questioned "just do it" uh okay, I closed my eyes "turn around" Simon said spinning me around "uh but the cars are here" I replied trying to walk..... very slow so I didnt trip. What is he trying to show me uhh, okay a little peek won't do anything, I opened my left eye and saw Simon staring at me "Waaah" I yelled and tripped on a rock "ouch" my leg began to bleed. "waaaaaaaaa bl...blood" I cried. Simon knelt down "it's okay, don't worry babe. Can you walk" he asked with a very calm voice, I shook my head. "okay, can you stand up?" he questioned again "uh huh" I said as I stood up. "Come on my back" "N....Noo" I shook my head, Simon stared at me disappointed "I...I'm....I'm heavy" I cried. "Alex don't be stupid and come on" Simon said as he turned around "Alex get on" I shook my head again "Alex its a five minute walk to my ride.... come on!" he said "unless you want to stay here......alone" he smirked. "Yo....your evil" I said as I was stood behind him "I'm on" I said, I dont want to do this "Alex" Simon called out, uh "o...okay" I got on his back. "That wasn't that hard was it, and what was with all the 'I'm heavy' Sh*t?" he questioned. "n...nothing" I replied as I rested my head on his shoulder...... his so strong. I can feel his heart beat, it's so calm and mines jumping up and down, feels like its about to explode.......oh my gosh, he can feel my heart beat too. This is embarrassing....and I'm not even wearing a bra...... "S...S....Simon I.....I can walk" I said really quick. "No need" he said as I got of his back and started limping "but there is only a motor bike her.....No No I'm not going on that!" I said as Simon began to smirk "your so evil Simon" I said again.